[b]Hangar with Kurn[/b] The delegation watched as the medical team landed and the crew came aboard. Their outfits were like nothing they had ever seen... Jumpsuits with odd patterns on them, their leader saluted him and Kurn nodded his mutual respect "At ease, brother." Kurn replied. "I am Kurn Wolfstalon of the Emperors "Knights of Fenris" I thank you for answering our call for aid." he said. "Lord General Siegfried Wallace" the General said "We came under attack after entering The Warp, one of the damn Chaos Gods decided to take exception to our presence, flooded the ship with his vile minions, then threw us here. Were you also attacked by Warpfiends?" he asked. "If so, were they Black and White? Or the regular kind?" If they could establish a pattern between their being brought here, then a method of returning to Imperium space might also reveal itself. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Airlock with the Inquisitor[/b] The Inquisitor looked at the man that had just arrived. "I sense a dark presence from that one..." Aminah said into the Inquisitors ear as she looked Anakin in the eye. And those guardsmen that he had with him seemed to be different to any other Guardsmen that they had met. The Inquisitor knew that, whoever these people were, they were not an officially with the Imperium... But, then again, with all of his own personal projects, it wouldn't surprise him if these people were an unofficial experiment by another in the Inquisition. The twins slowly moved towards the Inquisitor as they prepared to protect him from a possible attack. He simply waved them off. "If we are to learn the truth of this, then, for the moment, we will need to let events unfold... Keep your hands near your weapons." he whispered back to Aminah. He then tried to become his diplomatic self "It is a pleasure to find more servants of the Immortal God Emperor. I am Inquisitor Viqtor Remly, this vessel is under Inquisition command. I apologize for my attendants, they are acting only for my protection." he said. A Servo Skull buzzed around Anakin and his troopers. Inspecting them with its robotic eye.