[center][b][u]BATTLE RESULTS[/u][/b][/center] [center] [b]Byzantine[/b] 15,000 solders 25% 3,750 25,000 Thmeatics 30% 7,500 50 siege weapons vs 15,000 Romanians (80% losses) obliterated, region claimed. Total Losses Professionals: 3,750 Thematics: 7,500 [b]The Vrael[/b] 18,750 vs 10,000 20% Losses (3750) 50% Human losses (5,000). They retreat to Chisinau, 5,000 survivors. Land is not claimed, Chisinau must be breached and the garrison destroyed. [b]The Lorenvolk[/b] 1500 Lorenvolk 20% Casulaties (300) 10 Siege weapons 7,950 Militia 50% casualties (3975) vs The Moors (9,000) 60% losses (5400). Surviors retreat to Seville. Must be breached and the garrison destroyed before region is claimed. [b]The Isarimer[/b] 7,000 (45% casualties) vs Belarus 10,000 Human army retreats, 40% cut down or desert. 6,000 remain in Minsk.Must be breached and the garrison destroyed before region is claimed. [/center] Any problems understanding any of that, just ask me.