[u]The Argonian camp, near Senchal[/u] The messenger arrived at the camp. "Greetings Argonians." He started "Ab'Farahn has told this one to welcome you to Elsweyr, and that you will remain welcome so long as you don't cause any trouble. If you would like to discuss anything, Ab'Farahn will be will to do so. Just tell this one and he shall tell Ab'Farahn." [u]A Moon sugar trader's house, in Riverhold[/u] The moon sugar trader, Shajhad, was preparing for any trades he may have. Shajhad was a Suthay, a Suthay is like an Ohmes, but with more cat-like features, such as more fur. Shajhad gathered his moon sugar together and prepared the trade area with seats and nice features such as candles, to attract people to his 'services'. Shajhad was mumbling to himself, saying things such as, 'got to be ready for trade', 'Make it look nice. Nice like palaces'. Suthays are like the Khajiit commonly seen in morrowind, the Suthay-raht. However, the Suthay-raht are taller and are around the height of men. Shajhad was finally prepared. He awaited for any trade invitations. [hider=Actions] [*]A messenger has reached the Argonian camp, and has started to communicate with them.[/*] [*]Shajhad, the moon sugar trader, is prepared for any trades.[/*] [/hider]