[u]USS Aurora – Edge of Coruscant System[/u] “Punch it!” said Captain Weston. “Hold.” Katie interrupted. “Sir, you’re going to want to hear this.” “Hear what lieutenant?” “Another Federation ship in the system.” Peter’s head snapped round so fast, he almost fell off his seat. “Let’s hear it.” Loud and clear they could hear a distress message. ‘This is the USS Illustrious, NCC-2558, to the unknown Federation vessel leaving orbit. We are disabled and attempting to conduct a rescue of the USS Magicienne, NCC-70451. Only half of her crew remain and are fading fast. We are requesting any and all medical assistance you can provide.” He sighed, [i]so much for getting out of this system[/i], “Is there any record of that ship?” “None sir,” she paused briefly, licking her lips. “I’ve just conducted a visual scan and they do not match known specifications.” With a button press the magnified image appeared on the screen. “It is definitely Federation though, isn’t it? Probably like Captain Kirk experienced, a different reality of himself. Wonder if this could be the same?” “Possibly” answered the Vulcan. “We should lend aid.” “I agree. Set course for them, full impulse.” Having briefly turned to regard L’Pel, he turned back to Katie, “Send a response. This is the USS Aurora – request for aid heard and we are on our way.” “I’ll order Jonah to send to staff to the transporter.” “Good, good. Let’s go make a good first impression. Oh, and lieutenant please tell those small ships following us to back the hell off. If they continue to harass me I’ll not be a good mood.” As they arrived nearer the huge amount of space traffic, they saw what a sorry state the Illustrious was in, and as to the remains of the other ship, well it was clearly almost a write-off to use an old Earth term. He hit ship wide communications. “Okay I know we have no idea where we are, but we have two Federation vessels in need of aid and little time before the death tolls mounts up. This is what we were trained for, we’re the best there is. Begin beaming medical crew aboard and taking in any injured – let’s get to work.” [u]USS Illustrious[/u] Dozens of teams were beaming back and forth, stablising the wounded and then taking the most critical back to the Aurora. Those that were on the ship in multiple pieces were brought straight back across – and it was Alara’s job to speak the Captain and arrange bringing them back to the Ilustrious once things were a bit easier. Her green Orion skin and flashing smile usually got here what she needed – but it was the odd looks she kept getting, people frowning at her uniform as though something was terribly wrong. “Can you tell me where the Captain of this ship is?” A crewman guided her towards the bridge, and one thing she could not help but notice was that this ship appeared far more technologically advanced then they were. What made it even worse, although fitness was a Starfleet prerequisite, some of the turbolifts were not working properly and she had to climb using the Jeffries tubes – it was annoying, but necessary. The last part took her to the part that worked, meaning the last few decks were easier, allowing her some time to compose herself before a superior officer, especially one she did not know. [u]USS Aurora - Medical[/u] Jonah was running around rather frantically, and he could not help but wonder who some of these Starfleet crew were. Some seemed to be mumbling about being in the past, or even asking what year they were from. He frowned at that, and pressed the communications panel at the side of the wall. “Captain, this is Jonah, but we may have a slight problem.” Really, what kind Doctor?” “At first it seemed like a one off, then many of my staff reported about getting odd looks when it came to our uniforms, then I got a report from a nurse about a crew member asking what time period we were from. At first I thought they were delirious - then we started to get more." “What are saying Doctor.” “I’m not sure exactly. Just an observation is all.”