Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for putting in the work so far. All the opening posts have been great, although I'm impressed with Sabin's ability to find a 100 foot tree in the middle of the Mojave desert ;) Anyway, keep up the good work! Once I've seen most characters report to the 38, I'll get up Tenpenny's post. Just so we all know whats going to happen, Tenpenny and House are going to address the group, give them the job, offer the reward, and open it up to questions. You all have ONE POST to ask any questions. Once all questions are asked, I'll respond as Tenpenny, and by the end of that post ALL characters will be on the trolley. We will vote IN OOC as to which line we're taking, and then start moving. I don't want to dawddle in New Vegas for too long, else we may lose steam. Also, I want to encourage all of you to PM each other and come up with collabs for your characters. Lets get some building going on.