[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/RP%20NTA/rod9_zpsjg1ljqpd.jpg[/img] ANTHONY ROOSEVELT || MEPHIS ROOSEVELT || RODRIGO ARMANDO 24 years old 01/01/1989 (earth years) Rodrigo was found wandering the streets by Angel after suffering from a severe case of amnesia. It left him without any memories of his family and friends, along with his past and even his own name. He was allowed to stay at Angel's home until his memories came back or a missing persons report came in that matched his description. After a few weeks passed and nothing happened, he grew restless and began working at the drugstore below Angel's home, which he also happened to be the owner of. It earned him some money and allowed him to come back to society slowly, interacting with the customers. Months passed and when it became clear that his memories would never come back he was saddened by the fact that his past self, whoever he was, wasn't important enough to anyone that no one had come looking for him. It was then that he assumed the name 'Rodrigo Armando', and name he picked out himself, and began his life over again, determined to become someone people would miss if he ever left. He became more open and began making friends with the people who dropped by the shop and even left to get groceries from the local supermarket. His supernatural abilities surfaced months after working in the drugstore when the register got stuck and out of frustration, Rodrigo hit it to try to get it to open and ended up slamming it through the counter. He knew that this wasn't a normal thing, even an amnesiac knew that, and he was tempted to grab his tings and run since he knew that Angel would throw him out anyway if he ever found out, but to his surprise Angel was very accepting of it. He simply told Rodrigo that he was 'special' and that there were things about him that were different from other people. It sounded like something a mother would tell their kid so that their feelings wouldn't get hurt, but Rodrigo accepted it. If Angel thought it was okay, that it must have been okay. Angel thought Rodrigo how to control his new found strength since the world wouldn't be so accepting if he was found out, and soon enough Rodrigo learnt how to hide it. But it was shortly after that hurdle was finished that another one popped up. Ghosts, spirits and paranormal entities started to haunt Rodrigo, not only during his sleep, but during the day as well. Again, Angel assured him that this was okay and gave him some charms to ward them away. So life was still pretty weird for Rodrigo, but it wasn't unbearable. About a year after being found by Angel, Rodrigo was walking home from the store when he found an unconscious man in the snow. Unsure about what to do, Rodrigo took him back to Angel's store. They soon discovered that this boy was just like Rodrigo and was suffering from amnesia. Angel welcomed him with open arms and had him stay in his home. He was soon named Ethan and he began to work with Rodrigo in the drugstore. Shortly after, they found out that Ethan also had magical abilities and Rodrigo felt less weird about himself. Now that they both had magical powers, Angel started assigning them really weird assignments, all having supernatural themes, and Ethan and Rodrigo have been doing them ever since. Under any other circumstance Rodrigo wouldn't put up with all the bullshit Angel's put them through, but he doesn't have anywhere else to go, and secretly deep down he actually enjoys the adventures, though he'll never admit it. Before his amnesia, he was born as Anthony Roosevelt, but grew up under the name Mephis. He was raised by his grandfather after the sudden death of his parents. He grew up knowing nothing about his parents and though he was often curious about who they were, he was perfectly content with living with his grandfather because he was so nice and treated him kindly. He would tell him bedtime stories about a magical land called Wiz where the people could use magic and that he was a survivor from a war that happened there. This made Mephis admire his grandpa even more and he wished with all of his might that he would become a wizard too. He would boast to all of the kids in the playground that his grandpa was a SUPER POWERFUL WIZARD and would turn them into a frog if they were mean to him, but it didn't work and he was picked on anyway. Mephis accidentally broke a bully's leg when he kicked him in self defense, and instead of scolding him, Mephia rewarded him with candy and praise. He then found out that he had super strength and Mephia taught him how to control it. He grew up constantly holding himself back, until it became second nature and he hardly thought anything of it when he was a teenager. It was around the time he found his strength that his powers to see the dead appeared. At first, Mephis thought that they were regular people and it wasn't until he tried to touch one of them and his hand went right through their body, did he realize that they were dead. Gradually, more spirits started to appear to him and some followed him around while others played games with him, but it was only the most emotionally charged spirits that were able to speak with him. Because of this, he was never alone and always had friends, even if most of them were deceased. His favorite one was a ghost of a young woman who never spoke to him, but would play with his hair as he slept and kissed his bruised knees when he fell. As he got older though, the spirits started to disappear until he could only see the evil and vengeful spirits, because his childhood innocence was gone. When he reached high school, his personality darkened and he became a punk. He skipped class regularly and bullied students into giving him their lunch money. His only enjoyment in school came from playing basketball and he was the ace player at their school. He didn't get along with his teammates and was a douchebag to all of them. He eventually had to quit though, because he became involved in a gang and had to devote all of his time to them. Things went south though, when a drug deal went wrong and Mephis ended up getting shot by a rival gang. As he was dying in that dirty back-ally, the spirit of the young woman that he had loved so long ago appeared next to him and soothed his pain. A short time later, his grandfather was there and Mephis woke up in a bed, his wounds healed. But once he saw his grandfather, who was pale and looked close to death, Mephis knew that he had used his magic to heal him. He begged his grandfather not to die because he was the only family he had and he didn't want to be alone, but his grandfather passed away, but not before wiping Mephis' memories away.[/center]