[center][i][b]SPRING 1201 A.D[/b][/i][/center] [i][b]Sav Omoz[/b][/i] ---- Libya ---- [hider= Ahm Omoz] [b][i]Ahm'Omoz[/i][/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Lucifash, Omoz Arkosh [b]Location:[/b] Libya [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Ozh Soul Seeker) / (1500+1000) / (Big Scythe, Fierce, Elite, Will Not Break) - (Ozh Soul Crusher) / (2500+1000) / (Dual Scythe, Fierce, Will Not Break) - (Ozh Arbalest Legion) / (3000) / (Accurate) - (Ozh Trident Legion) / (2000) / (Fierce) - (Siege Weapon) / (50) / (No Bonus)[/indent] (Battle Casualties: - ) (Reinforcements: 1000 Soul Seeker, 1000 Soul Crusher ) (Total Strength: 9000 Units + 50 Siege Weapons) [b]Current Action:[/b] Reinforcing[/hider] [hider= Ahm Omoz Militia] [b][i]Ahm'Omoz Militia[/i][/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Lucifash, Omoz Arkosh [b]Location:[/b] Libya [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Militia) / (5500+1500) / (Shield) - (Militia) / (3000+1000) / (Bow)[/indent] (Battle Casualties: - ) (Reinforcements: 2500 Militias ) (Total Strength: 8500 Units) [b]Current Action:[/b] Reinforcing[/hider] Faith, it is the word that Lucifash trying to figure out since a million eons ago, it's just not as simple as trusting, even more complicated than believing, is a form of more greater force, even greater than love. The power that even the demon itself can't handle, human is sure full of mysteries. The Reinforcing army has arrived in Libya, merging into one army, Lead by Lucifash, he expect a war full of blood and souls to be consumed, if he can and it will absolutely can, gather enough army to tear the whole Europe by his own hand. "The wind has spoken, it is just in matter of time, they will come after me, an army, a big one is coming, those pity human just never get enough, Izh Sol Icha Gluth! Izh Sol Icha Ozh! Ozh! OZH! their soul will be consumed! their soul shall be mine! mine! MINE!" he shouted as he glare far to the Ayyubid Dynasty land. ---- Morocco ---- [hider= Voth Arkosh.] [b][i]Voth Arkosh[/i][/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Beelzetash, Vo'Miskath. [b]Location:[/b] Morocco [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Ozh Twin Axe Legion) / (500) / (Fierce) - (Ozh Axe Legion) / (1700) / (Shield)[/indent] (Battle Casualties: - ) (Reinforcements: - ) (Total Strength: 2200 Units) [b]Current Action:[/b] Reinforcing[/hider] [hider= Voth Arkosh Militia] [b][i]Voth Arkosh Militia[/i][/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Beelzetash, Vo'Miskath. [b]Location:[/b] Morocco [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Militia) / (1200) / (Shield) - (Militia) / (300) / (Bow)[/indent] (Battle Casualties: - ) (Reinforcements: - ) (Total Strength: 1500 Units) [b]Current Action:[/b] Reinforcing[/hider] There is nothing much that can be done in Morocco, Beel's army is just fortifying their ground and waiting to replenish their loss. ---- Tunisia ---- [hider= Voth Domosh.] [b][i]Voth Domosh[/i][/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Leviosh, Vo'Saul. [b]Location:[/b] Southern Algeria/Tunisia Border [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Ozh Twin Sword Legion) / (300) / (Fierce) - (Ozh Sword Legion) / (1500) / (Shield) - (Ozh Arbalest Legion) / (3000) / (Accurate) - (Ozh Trident Legion) / (2000) / (Fierce)[/indent] (Battle Casualties: - ) (Reinforcements: - ) (Total Strength: 6800 Units) [b]Current Action:[/b] Invading Tunisia[/hider] [hider= Voth Domosh Militia] [b][i]Voth Domosh Militia[/i][/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Leviosh, Vo'Saul. [b]Location:[/b] Southern Algeria/Tunisia Border [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Militia) / (4200) / (Shield) - (Militia) / (2100) / (Bow)[/indent] (Battle Casualties: - ) (Reinforcements: - ) (Total Strength: 6300 Units) [b]Current Action:[/b] Invading Tunisia[/hider] They have failed once, but not this time, the reinforcement from the black citadel have arrived, they soon merged and the morale of the army is restored, "We have failed once, it is either died in battle or bathe in the blood of those weaklings! our king accept no defeat! now is our chance, for once and for all!" Leviosh said to the army to rise up their morale and prepare them for the incoming battle. The horn has been blown, the army of flaming demons is already marched, but this time, in a larger scale. The land that once denied to be conquered, shall be razed once more, the army of the light banisher has begin their attack. "Those weak soul have no chance to stand against me now, their debt will be paid" [b][i]"Sa Chron, Izh Nith Icha Gluth! Icha Gluth!"[/i][/b] Shouted Leviosh as the demons charged toward Tunisian defending army.