[center][b][img=http://i.imgur.com/MNYIwF4.png][/b][/center] [i]"Nova, you okay?"[/i] Nova quickly jolted out of her thoughts, scaring Catcher back into the air as her eyes glanced about frantically until she caught the familiar sight of Thomas, gliding gently upon his broom with a slightly worried look glazed across his face. Her eyebrow rose slightly, but was quickly replaced with a wide grin as she realized it was her first time seeing Thomas in awhile. She slowly pulled herself up, brushing a few stray strands of hair as the pain in her back pulsated and faded with every slight movement. Eventually, she was standing and waving excitedly at Thomas, the grin from before never faltering. "Tom! Long time no see!" Nova winced slightly as her back straightened, but the pain was nothing compared to the feeling of cheerfulness she felt from seeing one of her friends, "I'm fine, just took a tumble is all. Nothing serious." She gave a small chuckle before turning to face the tree again, slowly cambering back up the trunk until she was eye level with where Thomas was idly floating. Instead of seeing him, though, she saw a mess of golden leaves. The branch she was crouched on was sturdy enough to hold her until a certain point, but it would still be somewhat of a risk to move closer to the end. Still, Nova then inched across the long branch until she was able to push aside the leaves and see him clearly. Nova then rose her hands again, slowly lowering herself until she was straddling the branch evenly, waving hello to the broom-riding boy, "How was your summer, Tommy?" She asked with a light, yet horribly tired-sounding voice, eyes gleaming curiously. Thomas was an interesting fellow, not just because of his cool broom-riding skills or friendly, easy-going personality, no, Nova was instead interested in his mysterious aura. Or, at least, the feeling he gave off. It was if he knows if something is going wrong at all times, and Nova just couldn't figure out how. Honestly, being with him made her extremely curious. And tired. But mostly curious. Nova smirked to herself, but quickly froze up as a gust of chilling wind suddenly blew across the area, shaking the leaves from the trees once again. Cries of pain, hollow and low, filled her throat, but she simply ignored them and instead focused on balancing as the branch swayed slightly. "It's windy today, huh?" She said offhandedly, relaxing as the swaying resided. Her hair, however, was not so easily tamed, as the mess of red and brown completely shielded her face and tangled in the back, the once straight, tidy -do now reduced to a rats nest. Laughter spilled from her lips as she quickly combed her hair with long fingers, gathering the mess into a high ponytail. As she [s]attempted[/s] to tie the tail into place, Nova caught sight of a somewhat familiar blonde. Emmeline Lovelock, perhaps? She smiled softly when she realized her roommate was conversing with Salem, and with no reason to interrupt them she returned her gaze to Thomas, awaiting his answers with cheerful eyes.