The flag… Kai’s blood boiled as he saw it for the third time, The Kraken Skull Pirates…Kai had already had his swords half drawn when he heard Runali mention to stay their hands, for a moment his hands shook upon his swords as though he were indecisive about obeying. But just when it looked like Kai was going to disregard his captain, his swords returned to their sheaths and moved closer to her, he knew these pirates although he didn’t currently have the mental capacity to speak. As they disembarked and were told that Fenn wanted to speak to them, again Kai’s hands returned to their swords, which rattled slightly as he tried not to slice open this man’s throat here and now. Then it happened, Runali pulled the man down to eye level, and the men surrounding the crew readied their weapons. In a flash, Kai was on Runali’s right hand side, swords drawn, ready to block any kind of attack that they might throw towards them. He might not have been able to block both sides, but he trusted the rest of the crew enough to protect the captain if it came to that. But then the moment was over, Kai sheathed his weapons again after everyone had calmed down. They had agreed to be taken to the captain, excellent. He could get paid back one hundred fold for his lost ship now and collect payment in full. He thought of Wisaria as they walked to the castle, he spoke to no one and didn’t look anywhere except down at his feet. He knew that if he did look at Waterdeep in this sorry state he wouldn’t be able to control himself. This, he couldn’t afford to do, as control was what all these situations were about. However, as they continued up the street, Kai mumbled something so that only those near it would be able to hear. “City of Splendors… Your Leviathan has come to set you free.” As they walked his hand drifted to his right arm where his tattoo rested.