[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/bb93ef49-d692-4347-803d-6ea3b5c50b5d.png[/img] JORDON PARKER || ETHAN SMITH 23 years old 16/01/1990 (earth) ??/??/1122 (wiz) One night he was found unconscious by Rodrigo Armando and taken to a shop run by a man named Angel. When he woke up, he had no memories, so he was given the name Ethan and he decided to work with Rodrigo in Angel's shop. It did not take long for Ethan to realize that working for Angel meant being given ridiculous jobs like tracking down magical objects or going through the shadow realm to locate a missing cat. Not long after he started working for Angel, Ethan realized he had strange abilities. He has the ability to sense a person's thoughts, feelings, memories, and even take on their personalities with just one touch. Odd things happen often around him and Rodrigo but, almost like magic, their luck somehow pulls them through and they manage to survive. After dealing with so many weird assignments, Ethan takes things in stride and tries not to freak out about whatever Angel wants them to do. Most of the time Ethan is polite and tries to act responsible, but things rarely work out the way he wants and he becomes easily frustrated. If he uses his power too much in a short amount of time, Ethan begins feeling confused, and all of the different personalities make him act unstable and his personality will switch at random until his power wears off. His true identity is Jordon Parker. The beloved son of Jamie and Anabelle Parker, Jordon grew up in a fabulously wealthy family because of his grandfather's fortune. Jordon always did everything he could to be seen as a perfect son in his family's eyes and also stressed himself out trying to maintain his image. He tried his hardest to attain good grades in school and secretly cried himself to sleep any time he got a B. He also played on the basketball team for his first two years before he gave up the sport because he felt that something was wrong with him. He felt constant headaches and he almost considered going to a psychologist because he felt that he was imagining people thinking things about him, sometimes bad things. Sometimes, he felt as if his personality would change or that he would daydream random memories of people at random moments. But he never admitted his problems to his parents and tried to deal with his troubles alone. Jordon could not handle his life of playing perfect while struggling with what he believed was either "strange powers" or him "going crazy" and panicked so he ran away at the age of 17. He could not bare the thought of his parents thinking he was insane. Jordon, like the rest of his family, had no idea that he was descended from a wizard and never realized that the strange happenings were his magic going haywire. His drive to be perfect manifested his magic into abilities that would help him with his goal and he unconsciously channeled his magic through touch. After he ran away from home, Jordon's strong desire to not be found by his parents kept him hidden and protected him. His magic obeyed his will but, because he is only 1/4 wizard, Jordon lost his memories as a consequence of using too much magic. He was found by Rodrigo and, since he no longer remembered his name, Jordon was renamed Ethan. [hider=Relationships] NON-FAMILY Clamp: Acquaintance Kyuberos: Friend, Boss Rodrigo Armando: Best friend, Co-worker Seraphim: Acquaintance, Co-worker Valerio Mancini: Acquaintance FAMILY Father: Jamie Parker Mother: Anabelle Parker (Anabelle Tyyrell) Uncle: Abel Tyyrell Grandfather: Bell Tyyrell Grandmother: Catherine Carter Great Grandfather: Belzeneff Black Great Grandmother: Deinira Tyyrell Great Uncles: Belladon Black, Bellerophon Black, Furei Justus (Bellissiah Black), Belshazzar Black, Belvedere Black, Bellarino Black, Belial Black, Paravel Barasstian (Beleon Black), Arius Mastema (Belarius Black), Belisario Black, Leeland Everlark, Amery Pahaliah Great Aunts: Maya Vega (Belvia Black), Belladonna Black, Belmarie Black, Bellakane Black Great Great Grandfather: Belantino Black Great Great Grandmother: Bellarose Trrancedigaeth Black (Trrancedigaeth Quintana) 3rd Great Grandfathers: Belano Black, Trryga Quintana 4th Great Grandmothers: Beliana Kessna Black (Kessna Hoyja), Trrancengan Quintana 5th Great Grandparent: Belinda Black 6th Great Grandparent: Belliah Black 7th Great Grandparent: Belvidelle Black 8th Great Grandparent: Bella Black 9th Great Grandparent: Beldane Black 10th Great Grandparent: Belove Black 11th Great Grandparent: Belisma Black 12th Great Grandparent: Belidora Black 13th Great Grandparent: Belzebub Black 13th Great Granduncle: Belphegor Black 14th Great Grandparent: Belberith Black 15th Great Grandparent: Belanca Black 16th Great Grandparent: Beliss Black 17th Great Grandparent: Belle Black 18th Great Grandparent: Bellarie Black 19th Great Grandparent: Belarmino Black 20th Great Grandparents: Beliarosa Fairee Black, Belizano Faize Black (Faize Ceres) 25th Great Grandparent: Faith Ceres 33rd Great Grandparent: Fairra Ceres 33rd Great Granduncle: Faintasia Ceres 34th Great Grandparents: Faizera Ceres, Oz [/hider] [/center]