[u][b]Waterdeep[/b][/u] Luro mentioned fixing the ship and Nolan gave his friend a nod. It was hard not to start laughing when the man talked about being a womanizing sea dog. He took things far too literally and never really struck Nolan as the Casanova type, then again, he wasn't a girl. Plus, girls were weird, weren't they? He still didn't know what Annie saw in him, but he thanked the Gods that someone like her actually liked him back. Darn. He missed her, her silly jokes, and fiery debates. She was the more fiery of the two, one of the reasons spending time with her was so enjoyable. He hoped Annie was doing well. When this was all over, after he got his fill of adventure, he'd return and he'd finally settle down and ask her to marry him. A dorky grin spread across his face and for a moment or two, Nolan found himself stuck in dreamland. However, Luro's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Good ol' Luro." He tapped the man on the back, "the coral pearl can always count on you. Do you need anything from Waterdeep, I can go get you nails or a new hammer?" He made a mental note to ask Kai where the market and other shops were located, but he never got the chance. As soon as they docked, pirates began spilling into the ship like water into a crack. He froze then fumbled for the rifle strapped to his back. The captain told them to stay their hands and he froze, eyebrows creased in irritation. The other pirates began to speak, and even had the audacity to invite them. They introduced themselves as the Kraken Skull pirates and Nolan's eyes flitted towards Kai. These were the guys he had been talking about, right? That had been ages ago, but they were still here. The captain pulled one man down and Nolan jolted forward, nearly tripping on his feet, but as soon as it had started, it ended, and they were led away to meet a man called King Fenn. Ha...that last ship that refused was killed? They weren't even given a choice. Nolan remained silent and waited for an order.