Danny's perpetual smile faded off her face when she got a look at the harbour. The paper was right, and the situation was harsher than she originally thought. She automatically assumed the city was having nothing more than a few hard years on budgets. It wasn't uncommon for droughts to crop up in this season in the surrounding areas, if not the city itself. What Danny was expecting was fewer trade boats and more of the essential items, like food and clothes, so when she saw the pirate's flag, her heart skipped a beat. "If they've taken all the good maps and inks, I swear to Neptune that I'll skin them. I've heard about coloured inks coming from this area, and honestly, I'd kill for some of that." She muttered to herself, joining the group as the pirates crawled onto the deck like so many cockroaches. She glared around at them, though fear was starting to creap into her thoughts. Anger quickly replaced any other thoughts when the supossed leader mentioned capabilities. "I'll show you capable when I use your blood to write a very detailed map leading-" she hissed through her teeth, stopping only to step forward as her own captain pulled him closer, causing a tension Danny had never felt before. It didn't lessen as the group was lead away, and she glared at the pirates around her, pointedly making eye contact. She half listened to their guide as she glanced back at the ships, inwardly daring them to enraged the book room. "I say we cut someone important. Can we do that? I don't like these guys." She muttered, agitatedly pulling at her shirt. "I mean, we cut their captain and they'll listen to us? That's how it works, right? Fear them into respect?"