Luro grinned bringing a hand to his chin at the idea of drinking at a tavern again, he enjoyed drinking on the Coral Pearl but it's been awhile since he's been in a good bar fight, though Kai did mention he knew the person there so he might not be able to participate in one anyway. Luro sighed a little at the thought only to have Nolan pat him on the back, at the mention of supplies he shook his head with a small smile, after being shipwrecked dozens of times, one thing he made sure to always have was a hammer and nails. He glanced over the captain as she climbed to get a better look at what's ahead, he turned his attention to where she was looking and squinted his eyes trying to see with little luck, he ended up taking the telescope and peered through it to see the ships she mentioned. He set the telescope on a nearby barrel for someone else before looking over at the captain pouting a little hearing they couldn't attack on sight but a smile returned to his face hearing a response was allowed. It seemed Kai was just about ready too attack already, Luro arched a brow at him seeing this, Kai was normally pretty calm but something else was in his expression for a moment though Luro couldn't identify it. Luro watched the captain be well...the captain with the other pirates, he couldn't help but smile seeing all the pirates around them. He was hoping they would meet some while they were here, when the pirates pulled their weapons on Runali Luro grinned and his hand twitched as he saw Kai and Nolan respond, however he didn't move though his eyes watched hoping for any movement that allowed him to act, he was already going through which one to shoot first. However the moment passed as quick as it came and Luro sighed a little disappointed before walking after the captain, he did stop to look at the pirate she addressed offering a small smile to him. "I actually want to kill you right now anyway, laying a hand on the ship just gives me a justifiable reason, a part of me hopes you do just so I can, that aside it's nice to meet you." Luro made sure to keep with the others and the servant who was currently leading them to the 'new king' who he was already looking forward to seeing. Luro folded his hands behind his back as they walked through the city, he didn't pay attention to most of the buildings and was mostly just looking for the tavern which he was having no luck in finding. His attention was drawn to Kai hearing him mumble something but he didn't quite catch it, he wasn't sure what to think right now about Kai, he was being really quiet...well more quiet then he normally was which Luro didn't even think was possible. Just as he was marveling at this phenomenon he heard the servant talk to them about the Kraken Skull Pirate captain and what he was doing, Luro brought a hand to his chin as he finished speaking before he spoke to Danny leaning so he wouldn't have to talk too loud. "The captain said to wait so we'll wait, though I like where your going with this and I'm all for busting heads but we gotta use that one thing first.....strategy that's it...then violence. Next time we'll use violence then strategy...I think." Luro raised his body and looked back at the servant who gave them the information that cleared up a majority of Luro's questions but he had more. "Thanks for the information servant guy, his name is Captain Fenn then," Luro said before crossing his arms. "Well I don't blame the last ship for denying, that's not a terrifying name at all who would be afraid of the rear of a fish. Captain Fin should choose a scarier name that's not frightening at all, perhaps Captain Death or Captain Walrus in mating season, I mean that last one is pretty long but it's threatening in it's own way if you know how they are....though now that I think about it only certain people would know to fear him so something else then." Luro rubbed the side of his head trying to think of another name before he snapped his fingers. "Oh I got it Captain Black rose, he could keep a black rose in his hat...oh wait I think there's already someone who has Black in their name...I'll throw a few names out there when we meet him. I mean even with King in front it's not much better, there's nothing impressive about the king of fish. Why haven't you guys discussed this with him, he's your captain." Luro looked at the pirates as he finished his question before looking forward again and shrugging his shoulders. He was filled with all kinds of questions for this Captain Fin, he put them aside for the time being and elbowed Nolan lightly needing to speak with him. "Hey rifle brother we should play 'shoot that guy in the head' later, I'll teach you when the time comes it'll be fun bonding." With his peace said Luro put his hands behind his head and happily followed the servant wondering if they had anything to drink there.