Connor laughed, looking to Father Furthull, "What do you say, Father? A blessing for Elizabeth?" He said, looking up, seeing the Priest had quick hands, and a keen eye, nearly finished with the tattooing. The priest paused a minute, looking up, "The lord is always willing to bless his servants. He merely uses tools such as me and my flock" Connor chuckled, amused at that, "And gets you to lead secret lives as semi-hunters, providing holy water and exorcisms to those that need it" Connor sobered quite quickly, saying, "Thank you, for letting me use your trap. For the tattooing. I didn't have anywhere else to go, and...Elizabeth..." He ran a hand through his hair, embarrassed. The Priest waved a hand, and returned to the tattooing, soon finishing it, "Love is a powerful emotion, and one that is beneifical. You should be glad. Now, I can do the blessing, if you like" Connor nodded, scooping up the Holy water Furthill had brought along, and shoving it in a pocket. It was in a water bottle, and Connor gave an amused chuckle as he saw that it was clearly marked "holy water" He helped Elizabeth up