[quote=SyrianHamster] Extract from your nation card:MilitaryArmy Cap: 105,000Army Replenishment Rate ( Per season): 2,000Army Cap Increase Per Territory: 10,000Militia Cap: 155,000Militia Replenishment Rate (Per season): 2,500Army Cap Increase Per Territory: 15,0000============================================So in conclusion, you can replenish your army at a rate of 2,500 militia and 2000 professionals per season. Before you bring the "but look at the areas I own, surely I can make more than that in a season?" out of the bag, I will put it to rest right now.The reason replenishment is set quite low, and you cannot change it, is to create a strategic aspect of the RP that requires CAREFUL planning, and prevents kids from blitzkrieging across the world like they do on every other NRP. Attack, claim land, but do not over extend yourself and sometimes you will need to go on the defensive. [/quote] I understand. Thanks for clearing that up.