Reynard laughed in delight, his smile showing clear beneath the moonlight as he heard Bess aver that they should have this nights and the moons to follow as their own. He felt strangely light in heart! Already, though it was four weeks and some til the moon would shine this full again, he began to dwell on where he could take her next, what sights he might show his Greensleeves to make her smile and dance about so. He even thought he might have just the place! "Then so be it," he avowed brightly to her, catching her up suddenly in his arms to swing her about gayly. "Rude daylight may chase away this dream, but let it rest safe and warm in our hearts, Greensleeves. But come! The night is past half done, and our midnight luncheon awaits. Cold meats well seasoned, with french bread all twisted about and fresh apples from what remains of my orchards, all to be washed done with the finest mead left in my halls. All for us, and naught for another, Greensleeves. I'll not have you to your bed hungry or thirsty, but full and refreshed to face the waiting for our next tryst." Lightly, he ended the twirl by pulling her back into his arms. Reynard removed his hat to reveal a thatch of unruly brown hair, the mask still in place about his cheeks but with eyes dancing merrily. "And you, Greensleeves? Will you grant me a kiss this night? A single kiss only is all I ask, to treasure as mine own and make the days sweeter until I come riding for you again."