Virgil was about to start some trouble with the orderlies when a girl walked up and wrote something in a notebook she had, [i]"Can I sit with you?"[/i] it read. With nothing better to do and a little bored himself, Virgil didn't see any harm to it. With his usual relaxed tone, Virgil said "I don't see why not little darlin." as he reclined back into his chair. With the little introduction over with, Virgil sent forth his own question. A little more serious, Virgil said "Now whats a little lady like you doin in a place like this? From the looks of it there are crazy people here." Even though it wasn't all that funny Virgil laughed, more out of habit than anything. While waiting for an answer Virgil looked back at his drawing from earlier, lamenting the fact that he didn't have colored tools... It was missing that blood color. With a little sigh, Virgil settled himself deeply back into his chair and kept notice that the orderlies became a little more on edge when the girl came walking over.