[b]High King of the Aldmeri Dominion Aelid Sillonor 1st of Sun’s Height Alinor, Summerset Isles, Capital of the Dominion.[/b] Dominion patrols now seemed on every street corner, and Order had returned to the realm, the Rebellion lasting a day tops. The majority of the Thalmor had either been captured or surrendered due to the scattered leadership. The Justicar Revin was dead, and the process of healing had only just begun. The High King sat still on the Summer Throne, irate at the situation he had returned to. He was unsure of even where to start. Luckily, he didn’t have to take the lead. “Though our Fleet won the Battle for Stros M’Kai’s harbor and waters, I’m afraid the island itself still defies us. The Maormer aided us during the battle, and we-“ Orthos had begun to report more on the Battle when Aelid interrupted him. “Maormer ships aided us during the battle?!” He proclaimed, shocked by the aid of the Sea Elves. What could they possibly want of Alinor..? “Yes, my Grace. They have sixty ships there as well in the blockade. They have sworn to help us take the isle if they are allowed to share joint-ownership of it with us. I would ask of you to allow me to send Reinforcements to the Isle, and perhaps siege it.” Orthos spoke, head bowed before his King. “These are troubling times, but this isle obviously must be taken if we are to push the Yokudan back and show them our strength. I agree that I believe they wish to assault our island home. How many ships do we have total in port now?” “One hundred and sixty, Your Grace.” “You’ve sixty ships at the isle, and I shall grant you one hundred more for this effort. Between these one hundred and sixty, I would have eighty ships stationed at the island at all times, splitting the force in half for shifts. Do not fail me in this, Orthos.” The High King spoke sternly, aware the Lord Admiral was a capable leader, though hotheaded sometimes. “Of course, Your Grace. Though I also must inform you that King Orgnum wishes to speak with you desperately, and I believe it would be in the best interests of both our peoples if you would meet with him soon.” Aelid considered this for a moment and shrugged, he had just met the vast majority of the other leaders of Tamriel, why not meet his long lest brother race? Aelid would choose one of the most beautiful ships they had out of the remaining sixty in the defense fleet, and sail out to open ocean near Pyandonea. He knew that if they wished to speak to him then, they would. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Arch-Mage Valina of the Arcane Society 2nd of Sun’s Height. Crystal Tower, Summerset Isle[/b] Valina had fallen asleep late and woken up early, awaking to the sound of a Mage knocking at the Chamber doors. The Arch-Mage had fallen asleep with her face in a tome, sticking her cheek to the parchment. Rising from her seat, she turned and open the door to find a green robed Mage awaiting her. “The fresh students have arrived, Arch-Mage. They have a fairly large class as well, and look fairly promising. Just a little over two hundred students have arrived, and I’d expect about thirty graduates by the end. “He spoke with a hidden excitement, obviously pleased by the prospect of new colleagues. “Why is there a new class of students? I didn’t order this.” She spoke sleepily, annoyed at the distraction from her work. “The Lord Regent Nelron ordered it before his passing, I’m afraid.” He replied. “Ugh, give me a few minutes and I will be down to greet them and begin their educational courses.” She said annoyed, shutting the door to freshen up. Though the faculty of the Society would handle most of the class, the Arch-Mage was still a key component to their education. She rubbed her temples with the amount she had to do, but knew that the fresh blood in the Society would be invaluable both with the war and with her research. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Lord General Walden Estermont of the Renshi 1st of Sun’s Height Alinor, Summerset Isle, Capital of the Dominion.[/b] Though the Agent Aiden had died less than forty eight hours ago, the Lord General knew that he was not sufficient for the many operations overseen by the Renshi, and because of this he knew a new heir must be chosen. Luckily for him, the choosing seemed to do itself. The new heir of the Renshi reminded Walden of a mixture between Aiden and Orthos. He had the love of Aiden in him, and the mercy of a kind heart. Yet he also seemed to have a very similar wicked and hateful smile as the Lord Admiral, and his eyes could shine with a cold fire when he was focused. The Altmer was named Aendir and had been one of Walden’s top Agents, as well as one of the first recruited, even before Aiden. Walden hoped he had made the correct choice, but knew Aendir wouldn’t disappoint. He had always naturally lead those around him, and his dagger was as swift and silent as any. The Lord General had finished securing the city, and now met back with his companions near the Gardens of the Palace. Several of the Renshi had blood upon their uniform, though none of it was theirs, he was sure. “Alright lads, it seems we have the situation under control here. But we can’t let them regroup and come back to be a problem again later. If we are going to stomp out these Thalmor Extremists, we’re going to have to go after them. As you know, the Agent Aiden has recently died in this rebellion, and as such a new Heir to the Renshi must be chosen. I have picked Aendir.” Walden nodded to the High Elf, who held a small glimmer in his eye of surprise, though otherwise was stone faced. “I will lead a small team to Eton Nir, where we will infiltrate the ruins the Extremists are hiding out in, and assassinate the High Justicar Aldra. Aendir, I would have you lead a specialized team of Renshi and go with the Lord Admiral to infiltrate Stros M’Kai and potentially weaken their defenses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b] -The Lord Admiral prepares a Fleet of 100 to sail to Stros M’Kai -The Arch-Mage has begun training the new Class of Battlemages! -The Renshi have chosen a new heir, as well as are preparing for two special operations.[/b]