Name: Mokk Species: Crocodile Daeva Age: 35 Hair: None Eye Color: Amber with reptilian slits. Skin Color: Back is covered in green scales. The front of his body and the insides of legs and arms are covered in pale-yellow scales. Height: Approximately seven feet tall. Body Build: Mokk is very broad shouldered and powerfully built. Generally stands straight despite his height, allowing him to tower over most other people. His mouth is extended out a few inches into a short maw. Clothing: Mokk wears a battle harness and a loincloth. Over the top of this he wears a brown leather traveling cloak which is heavily scented with that of a human to keep his own scent hidden from all but the most advanced of noses. He has a blue scarf covering his maw. Physical Quirks: Mokk has a thick, powerful tail about three and a half feet long that is used as a weapon, balancing tool and so on. It is indispensable in his fighting style. He has claws like most daeva but they are shorter and mostly used for climbing. His legs are incredibly powerful, allowing him to kick and jump with incredible force. True Form: All true daeva have a true form. Mokk's is that of the saltwater crocodile, a massive predator with incredible strength. The downside to shifting into this twenty foot predator is that it takes time and space. Background: The summary of his life is that he grew up as a soldier in the daevan armies. He served as an officer for a short while until there was no longer enough war or combat to supply his lust to fight. He left the army after this and became a gladiator in both forbidden arenas and legitimate blood pits. He was unmatched, seasoned, vicious. As he grew in age he became a marauder with a crew of water-borne daeva and some few other oddballs who preyed on the ports, ships, and river towns along the western edge of the continent. Mokk is wanted under another name by many of these settlements for a very high price, dead or alive. After a small falling out over very valuable loot Mokk lost his interest in their escapades. He was a connoisseur of violence and daeva supremacy. His only interest in trinkets was not for their value but for their power and even then he would rather assert his own power than be overly reliant on tools. Money could only buy so much and so Mokk left the band of marauders. At this point Mokk became a pawn to Malum, the daevan noble, for a small price. His true interest was in the party seeking to cure feralism. Mokk wanted to fight them, test them, see their strength for that was his obsession. Malum through the chaos betrayed Mokk. It was at this point that Mokk became more interested in keeping his twisted pride by killing the noble than worrying about the feralism cure party. Just as Mokk approached the noble's chambers he was encountered by parts of the party and Torva remained there to fight him so the others could proceed. Though Mokk had the upper hand neither achieved victory by the reptile's standards. In the end that didn't bother him. Mokk had become interested in pushing these daeva to their limits. He had watched Chii and Torva push their bodies to overcome threats. Torva shifted his form to overcome Mokk with speed. Since this period, Mokk left. He would never admit that he fled, leaving the party to clean up the aftermath of their mess. After that period the haphazard group had made a deep impression on him. He saw things in a different way. His violent interests from before no longer mattered. What mattered to him was the supremacy of the daeva race locked in their abilities to shift. Feralism is a threat he understands now. A threat to unite their enemies against them. Who can tell what the unstable mind of Mokk will think next? Will his desire be to instigate suicidal war or quell it? Violence or cure? His mind more philosophical and deep-thinking than ever before, what will he want next? Extra: Mokk has a reasonable distrust for magic. He doesn't like fighting mages. Period. Since Hagumi managed to beat him with ice magic so easily where no one else could pose as much of a threat in melee combat it is easy to say he has an obvious weakness. Mokk is quite adept at using his own body to kill things and has recently experimented with shifting to make his obvious traits less visible, namely his maw and his tail. Some things are impossible for him to hide like his mouth full of teeth.