Edward walked through the camp eyeing everyone and everything as if they were somehow important or even dangerous, his eyes bright, alive and seemingly flashing with how fast they moved from one thing to the next. It hadn't occurred to Edward how strange he looked to the others in the camp. He wasn't armoured and he was barely armed; the tight leather wrapped around his left fist being his only weapon currently and few even saw it as such. At least not before they were being beaten with it. Most changed their view rather quickly then. Anyway, there he was. Wearing no armour and seemingly unarmed yet walking with the form of any veteran soldier. A strange sight. Sighing wearily Edward stopped suddenly in his tracks and grabbed the first elf he saw by the arm. Fear flashed in the man's eyes, then anger and then nothing that was notable. “Apologies. I'm looking for another elf. Young. Female. Long red hair. Supposed to be fetching a set of armour but has apparently taken a while.” Edward let go of man's arm consciously. “Uh... I think I know of her, but please-” “Do not worry, I am a Gray Warden, I have no interest in punishing anyone for anything for I rule over no one. I simply told the quartermaster I would do him the favour of fetching this girl for him. Whatever the girl may be doing is of no interest to me but keeping my word is. I just need the armour she carries. I may even end up doing her task for her.” “Sorry sir, we are not treated kindly and must look out for our own here, you understand...” “I do.” “She's behind the broken wall, just down from the gate there. It is not laziness that lead her there though sir! She tripped early today, spraining her ankle I think. Whilst carrying something far too heavy for one so small to be carrying I'll bet... The healers have no time for we elves and if she were to try to do a normal days duties she would be punished repeatedly for carrying them out too slowly. It is not a situation she can win, you must understand.” “Like I said, I do not care about her duties, my only interest is keeping my word, but I won't get her in any trouble if I can help it... Thank you. Goodbye.” With that Edward set off once again, finding a clearing in the broken wall he had been instructed towards and going through. He had to catch himself as barely five feet forward was an almost certainly fatal drop. Following the wall down it didn't take him long to find the girl he was looking for. It had seemed the man had spoke the truth. She was sitting down against the wall and had removed one of her boots, she was massaging what looked to be a very swollen ankle. It didn't take long for her to spot Edward and like any lone elven female being approached by a scary looking human she became fearful. Or at least looked it. “Hello, I'm Edward. I heard about your ankle, I'm sorry for your circumstances. I've sprained my own more times than I can count, it's always a pain. Any how, I'm here for the armour you were to fetch. In return for a discount on a dagger I said I would find you and get you to return with the armour. You're obviously in no shape to return with me, but I still need the armour. Where is it?” “It's here... Please, don't tell. I'll be... They'll... Please.” Edward looked at the girl, his face emotionless and his eyes as cold looking as always. Her face was the opposite, there was sadness there, worry, stress and even pain. Everything his face had once held. “I'll do what I can, but I'm in no mood to make any more promises today.” With that said Edward picked up the armour, which was indeed heavy, even to one with muscles as honed as his. He returned to the quartermaster quickly, placing the armour down on a stool. “That good for nothing elf made a Gray Warden do her duty for her! For me! I'll have-” “You'll have her nothing!” Edward spoke in a way that was somehow quiet yet fierce. “When I came across her she was carrying this, a sword and a dagger. Rather than deliver all of the pieces to their required locations and have you look bad for slowing her down with such a cumbersome task, she very politely asked me to return this instead. Since I was coming back here for the dagger anyway and wanted the task done as quickly as possible I happily agreed. The girl showed initiative and courage. In the coming days go easy on her, a good worker works all the harder when they are valued. Or so my father once said. Anyway friend, I have retrieved the armour, here is the silver, I would have that dagger now.” “Yes, apologies. Here is the piece, it is truly of a fine make is it not?” “It is.” Edward spoke, a smirk on his face as he spun the weapon in his hand before sheathing it on his back. “It is good to have a blade again. Thank you. If I hear of anyone who needs such a thing I will send them your way.” With that Edward shook the man’s hand and walked away, his eyes once again scanning the camp.