Franco-Belgian boarder [hider=salt of the earth]1st siege "salt of the earth Army Current General: Shi’so "The Iron Maiden" Kain Morale: 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - /// - /<1000>// - /<500>// - /<20>// - /<150>//[/indent] Current Action:Guarding the construction of a new castle in newly acquired territory [/hider] [hider=the Iron Warrios]2nd siege “Iron Warriors” Army Current General: Kais’is olis Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<2000>// - /<1000>// - /<20>// - /<200>// Current Action: Garrisoning currently constructed forts on the border [/hider] Ayyubid-Humlon Border [hider=boarder guards]1st boarder guards (militia) Current General: none Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<2000>// - /<1000>// - /<500>// - /<500>// Current Action:garrison duty [/hider] capital city As news of the English humlon Treaty spread, thankful for the uneasy alliance Humlons merchants have sought permission from the English king for passage for their trading ships