Thorn, Black Marsh 3rd of Sun’s Height “S’arah” --- After the summit, S’arah and her companions made their way back to Elsweyr. They were initially side tracked by one of the militiamen, who caught a bad case of Rockjoint. While he healed under the care of an Argonian herbalist, the remaining group continued their journey without him. After a week of travel, they arrived in Senchal, only to find it under attack. Without hesitation, the militiamen went to aid their comrades, a hopeless last stand. S’arah, however, slipped out during the chaos and returned back east to Black Marsh. Almost another week went by before the sight of Pandomaic Ocean greeted her, she was near the city of Thorn, and Thorn was no longer an Argonian city. “Whoever is in the bushes,” A voice came from the side of her observation spot. “Come out now or we will kill you.” The tigress took a step forward, hands raised above her head. “I am not armed.” “A Ka Po’ Tun? What are you doing here?” The people in front of her were six individuals, to her surprise, all of them were Akaviri. The leader was a Tsaesci, who had another snakeman and four Tang Mo following him. “You must be one of our...private agents.” “Yes,” S’arah agreed. It was time to collect her payment, but in addition, she also needed to report her findings, which could potentially change the tide of their war. “I would need to speak to general Abasi-Kil immediately, there are vital intelligence.” The Tsaesci shook his head, “The High General is currently based in Ynslea. I am Matiyahu-Zvi, captain of the Dragonguards, second ranking officer on this front. You might want to speak to Commander Xing, he is based in the city.” --- Thorn, Black Marsh 2nd of Sun’s Height Xing --- According to Ildoryn, the Argonians are capable of waterbreathing. But surprisingly, these natural swimmers operated essentiality no navy. The port of Thorn was small, in fact, most vessels were canoes and fishing boats. But that was not to say the Argonians didn’t have costal defenses. They had about a few smaller fightings vessels, judging by their appearances, they seemed to be designed for coast patrol or shipping escorts. The Southern Expeditionary Fleet encountered minimal difficulties against their seaborne opponents, led by [i]The Qianfeng[/i], Eastern ships conserved them ammunitions and simply rammed Argonians ships down to the seabed. At the signs of their arrival, Argonian ground forces started to gather on the docks. Xing frowned at their presence, for the Tang Mo normally strike with the element of surprise, which in this case, was already lost. “Master Ryu,” the commander summoned. Ryu led the Yin clan, a group of Tang Mo specialized in shock attacks. “Get you men on the docks now, before they can fortify it.” The Yin warriors were quick to prepare, and within seconds, hundreds of monkeys dove into the sea. These warriors wore enchanted boots, which allowed them to walk on water. Some of them were also aided by potions and illusion spells, making them invisible to the defenders. When the Argonians noticed the attack, many of them already fell. The cloaked fighters were already at the docks, cutting through their enemies while staying hidden. The main group also closed it, they threw shurikens and darts, both poisoned with the most lethal toxin from the Thousand Isles. Beside Xing, the Tsaesci Dragonguard appeared. Matiyahu was observing intently at the battle, taking in every moves by his allies and foes. “The Yin warriors are most impressive, no?” Xing questioned. “Their tactics are very,” pausing for a brief moment, Matiyahu searched for the right word. “Unique.” Xing smiled under his mask, he knew the Tsaesci were too proud to admit it, but Matiyahu was no doubt impressed by the display. “It is time for us to do our part. Perhaps your Dragonguards would fancy a few moves of your own?” --- Few hours later --- While the Argonians were pathetic on water, their fight was much more fierce on land. After the shock of their attacks worn out, the lizards organized a decent defense. They were good fighters, but not good enough to repel a joint Tang Mo/Tseasci assault. While many Eastern fighters fell during the battle, more than double the amount of lizards lay dead. The resistance had became weak now, as Xing, Matiyahu and a small group of Tang Mo and Tsaesci soldiers stood in front of a palace. “My men saw most of them retreating in here.” Matiyahu pointed to the palace’s doors. “Good, all of the lambs gathered in one slaughter house.” Xing chuckled at the lizards’ foolish actions. “Let us finish this battle.” Gathering a ball of alteration energy, Xing casted a spell to open the lock. Following the spell, the Tang Mo kicked the doors open, sending splintered wood at several surprised Argonian guards. “Lord Barkaan, they-” Xing was quick to react, before his enemies could run, a shuriken was already buried in each of their throats. Matiyahu followed on with the attack, cutting down two more guards with his katana. They group proceeded forward, leaving only blood and gore in their path. At the end of the halls, a large room stood. A heavily armored Argonian was flanked by two guards. At their sight, the guards immediately charged at the Tseasci and the Tang Mo. Xing leaped over the lizard, and in one smooth move, two darts buried in each of the Argonian’s eye sockets. Beside him, Matiyahu also disposed of his enemy, who was now crumpled on the ground, head detached from neck. “Well, well,” Xing taunted the final Argonian in Tamrielic. “Is this the infamous Lord Barkaan?” The Argonian’s eyes twitched just a sliver before Xing’s paralyze spell hit him. Barkaan dropped to his knees, but somehow still fully conscious. Just then, another spell came from Xing’s hand. This time, Barkaan finally fell to ground, limp from head to toe. “Commander Xing, Captain Matiyahu.” a Tang Mo scout blurted as he ran into the room. “Several prisoners were freed by a female Argonian. She killed our men guarding them and escaped into the marshland.” “I will pursue her,” Matiyahu assured the Tang Mo. “They can run, but they cannot hide” --- Thorn, Black Marsh 3rd of Sun’s Height Dragonguard Captain Matiyahu-Zvi --- The Dragonguard captain never agreed with General Abasi-Kil’s usage of mercenaries. To make matters worse, the general hired their millennium old nemesis, the Ka Po’ Tun. Though the Alliance called for a stop to hostilities, the Tiger folks and the Snake folks never really got along as allies. “You have returned, Captain,” Xing greeted as Matiyahu entered the former meeting room of Barkaan, now the Akaviri center of operations. He was standing within a group of Tang Mo clan masters and a lone Dark Elf. “Like I said, Mistress Dei, your people will man the walls. Master Kun, your clan will watch over the prisoners and enforce curfew.” Dei and Kun snapped crisp salutes before heading out of the room. Rest of the occupants turned to the newcomers, examining the Tsaesci and Ka Po’ Tun carefully. “Did you find the female Argonian?” Xing prodded, the room fell silent as Matiyahu felt many sets of eyes upon him. “No,” he swallowed before continuing again. “The swamps were too dense, we lost track of them.” “Perhaps you were right, Ildoryn.” Xing shook his head and glanced quickly at the Dunmer. “These Argonians are definitely shadowy creatures.” “Ildoryn?” The tigress raised her brows in surprise, out of all the people, out of all the places, this was indeed a strange combination.