David followed a bit behind the SUV, giving ample room to stop if the SUV stopped so that he wouldn't go flying through their rear window. His was a street bike but it took the dirt road well. Once the SUV stopped at a sort of check point he'd guessed that this was the place. The tall fence, likely electrical, had something to do with it as well. David noticed Carson and the man at the check point speaking and through his keen Vampiric sense of sound, heard what they were saying. "Carson, welcome back again. How'd the recruitment go? They look like they're actually gonna last more than a week." upon hearing the words David frowned under his hemet. Evidently they had a very short life expectancy.. lovely. "Phil, this is Mikael, one of the recruits. The other three, a man on motorcycle and two female werewolves should be coming shortly. Just let them right in, you'll know them when you see them. I'm sure Vic spoke to you about the new blood. I'll be waiting by the front of the main building, see you later, Phil." "I'll keep an eye out for them. You take it easy, Carson." The gate opened and Carson drove the SUV forward and before the gate began to close, David zipped through on his bike and waved at Phil as he passed. He pulled up beside the parked SUV, taking care not to hit Carson who was now out of the drivers seat. He cut the engine and placed his helmet on the handle bars before tossing his own keys to the very same mechanic. "No scratches, eh? she's brand new." he said as he removed his cigarettes and lighter from his jacket pocket. With a flick of his wrist the zippo opened and lit. David lifted the open flame to the cigarette in his mouth and puffed until the marlboro red was lit and filling the air with its toxins. He took a long drag and held it before exhaling. "Oh yea. Thats the stuff. Classic Marlboro." He offered his hand to Mikael which contained his pack of reds, one was sticking out a bit more than the others. "Smoke?"