Even as they got to the conference room and sat down, Gin was still rather bouncy. That was his third time ever at being in a pastry shop, and the only time he had ever actually left with anything.Slowly though he began to calm down as Death started to speak, his focus quickly being drawn. At some point after sitting down he had set his boots down and promptly shoved two whole cookies into his mouth, now chewing away at them silently. [b]"Alright folks, we shall start the tests. Tonight team one shall take their test, as they will hunt down this familie, Alice and I will keep watch as the others will be able to take a glance aswell. If they choose to do it from here, or from within the perimeters of the mission is up to them!"[/b] Gin watched expressionlessly as pictures began to file onto the screen, of the family and then of their victims. The pictures really didn't seem to bother him, though his mind did skip back to the ones they had seen earlier. But not even those could seem to deter him from the minor enjoyment of the cookies in his mouth at the moment, which was probably a good thing. [b]"These will be your targets team one! Be warned for their guards, there will be around 5 of them wandering the perimeter!"[/b] Gin slowly reaches down for his boots, which he had yet to put on still. Now seemed like a good time, while he could just listen. Masterfully he manages to slip on one boot! But unfortunately, onto the wrong foot. He manages to get the tied boot off quietly and with some careful handy work manages to get it onto the correct foot. He nods as a smokebomb and headset are tossed over, already working on putting on his other boot. [b]"The headsets will be to communicate, the smokebombs are allowed to be used... But be warned, for if you are used all of them, your escape may be harder!" "Any questions before we take our leave?"[/b] Gin just shook his head and stood, finally both boots on the appropriate feet. He gives the cookie jar a painfully longing stare before following Amaya's lead,