Rosy followed Ray through the place starring at the floor making parental map of the place. Cafeteria, auditorium lots of places in the building lots of things to trance about as she could tell by quick glances upward. Trusty blindfold anyone. She thought and smiled Going into the conference room she took a seat it looked a bit more safe for her so she looked up everyone such a small space she got a bit worried that someone would touch her and send her flying through there past ' recovering lost sins " the church would put it. But it didn't seem like everyone was sitting so that was a plus. [b]"Does anyone have any questions about what you did and didn't see"[/b] ' How old is this place' she thought. Through she already knew the answer as it was build a couple decades ago she wanted see something. It was nice that people showed some concern for her but trances were trances, if I item been cleared she doesn't have to go back in when she sees it only if it has new meaning. She though while waiting for an answer.