Tony nodded and stood up, "well then let's get going" she walked over to the door and pushed it open the old neglected hinges creaking as it swung. She stepped out into the rain and looked back to make sure name was following her, she set off in the direction she saw Kevin run to with the silver fellow. She knew she needed to be covert at this point, as she didn't know if the police saw her clearly. She slipped onto the street in front of the church and headed into an alley directly infront of it, she ran up the alley and made a right turn. She wondered what this man wanted with Kevin, but she figured it couldn't be that malicious the man couldn't even remember his name. Or perhaps he was telling the truth and there was something deeper at work here, whatever it was she wanted to know it seemed important. She saw a motel and figured that was a good place to start looking for Kevin, she walked into the establishment and made for the counter. She got a sick glare from a man behind the counter reading a news paper as he spat "what do you two freaks want" the words came out of his mouth like venom. Tony just smiled and couldn't help but pity this man gripped by bitterness and anger, she spoke calmly and asked about a man matching Kevin's description. The man grumbled "yeah he's up in his room now beat it" Tony bowed her head slightly and thanked him, as she walked towards the rooms she added "holding onto anger is like gripping a hot coal with the intent to throw it at someone, only you get burned." As she said that she walked to Kevin's room and knocked upon the door softly, she wasn't sure what was about to happen. This guy was dangerous, so was Tony and if at all possible she'd like to avoid more conflict tonight she already took two lives more then she wanted....