Right. I am back from my trip to the airshow. I had a great time, and the show was spectacular as always. I will post photos and links to them later. For the moment though, I'm going to get this farking thing going. I'm getting a bit hacked off with people not posting, or saying they're having 'trouble posting'. There is a simple, gentle, easy request for one post a week. It does not need to be a work of classic fiction. It does not need to be Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Tom Clancy or even Stephanie fucking Meyer (though I'm pretty sure you can all do better than that...). It just needs to be a paragraph, preferably spelt right, saying what your character is doing. If you're finding it too hard, too boring, or too [i]whatever[/i], then this OOC thread is here for you to make suggestions, ask for help, or anything else. I am open to some alterations of the RP, and smoothing things to make it easier. I'd prefer you do that then have any MORE drop outs. I will [b]not[/b] make it endless and pointless combat, however. That would just be stupid. However, make suggestions, give me feedback, and I will process it. This post is not directed at everyone, or anyone in particular - I'm just slightly frustrated that I have to poke people into action so much. It's not really fun. And if you're not enjoying the game, I'd rather you just tell me, so I can put my energy elsewhere, or change it so you are. In the meantime, a post will be up shortly moving things along toward our next mission, and introducing the ship to our characters.