[b]Behind Cover near Stevens Street[/b] Acosta fired her rifle at the charging Elite leading the Covenant squad. Lighting up the leader with rounds which took out his shields. Sergeant Archer was in trouble, and hopefully she'd given him an opportunity to drop the Elite. She had to act fast or he'd be overrun. She put bullets down the alley toward the enemy giving Archer some suppressive fire so he could get to cover. It was short lived as she saw a glimpse of the muzzle flash. Plasma slung threw the air and whirled past her. She could feel the temperature change as the heat passed near her head. She immediately ducked behind some rubble which provided temporary cover. The enemy had sniper positions and Jackals directed energy her way. She could hear the plasma impacting the rubble exploding scorching shards of rock flying out in every direction. She crawled to the right revealing herself just enough to fire back at the enemy. She wasn't going down without a fight nor was she going to abandon Sergeant Archer. To her right PFC April came running, she had to warn him of the snipers. [b]"APRIL, GET DOWN!"[/b] she yelled at the private first class as the Jackals began to fire at their new target.