[quote=rocketrobie2] Name: Mr.Teddy, Mr.TAge: (if they don’t age then put both their actual age and the age they appear.)Gender: MaleSpecies: imaginary friend/ ghost thing.Appearance: he looks like a normal standard dark brown Teddy bear with a few stitches where he had gotten torn from wear and tear over the years. He has no fingers or anything but still is some how able to pick things up. His eyes are white and plastic with moving black pupils. He also has a tag on his elbow which says Dexter.Personality: He is very scared a lot of the time and is timid. He would rather run from a fight rather than actually fight anything. While he is very scared a lot of the time he is usually happy the rest of the time.Fear(s): The dark, monsters, a whole ton of stuff.Ability: Mr.Teddy has the ability to run really fast. Not super human fast but still really fast. He doesn't feel pain due to being a stuffed animal and can thus survive a lot of things that living breathing things can not but he also won't heal naturally and is very susceptible to sharp attacks. He can also store stuff inside of him through a little hole under his arm.Short History: Mr.T was the best friend of a three year old human child on earth. Mr.T and the child named Dexter were the best of friends even though he Mr.T wasn't actually alive but Dexter sheer will and belief that Mr.T was alive brought him to life thanks to the help of mystical entity bestowing life on the stuffed animal. Mr.T and Dexters fun ended soon after that as Mr.Teddy was taken away from Dexter by the collector soon after gaining sentience.Other: his goal is to get back to his best pal Dexter [/quote] Holy crap, this is a first... a living stuffed animal. I totally was not expecting that but it's accepted. Honestly I can see why he'd be interesting enough to be taken and I'm looking forward to working with him. Thanks for making my day. You have been accepted. [quote=TheWindel] Eh, I'll probably go with some vampire or wild man thing. [/quote] That's fine. [quote=FoxFireOfDawn] This looks interesting, I think I'll make a character soon.I'm not that busy with roleplays at the moment, they seem to be going at a slow pace, so I can fit this in.I imagine something like this could gain some interest. [/quote] I look forward to it. Oh and on the fact of this gaining interest. The first time I posted it on the old guild we ended up with 14 people within the first two days it was up, I cut it back this time though because it made things hectic. I still remember having to tell at least a dozen others we were out of room but I'd keep them posted if spots opened.