[quote=FoxFireOfDawn] Name: Xerolo'kk Hirnacht'k (Pronounced X-ero-loo-k H-ir-na-ch for those wondering. Nickname him Xerc.)True Age: 1201 Appearance Age: Although hard to make out, he's about 6 in dog years.Gender: Believed to be male.Species: Barghest Personality: Surprisingly, Xerc is actually quite calm and passive towards others. He does have the surprisingly deep and human voice, but that and his image is all that makes him scary. When he's pissed, he wouldn't mind ripping off a few heads. Most of the time, he keeps his cool though. He isn't easily angered and you would have to find something that really bugged him to make him that mad. Fear(s): - Too much light in a room makes him whimper either exit it as soon as possible, or sit in a corner and try to make it darker.- The noise of bells makes him wail in pain and scratch at his ears. He doesn't mind looking at them.- Any enclosed spaces would make him stiff and whimper, because he fears he would be too large to get out.- If he sees the sun directly, he retreats to the nearest shadow and stays there, sulking and shaking.Ability: If a human insults him and gazes at him, then their lifespan will be cut in half until they apologize. This doesn't work on other supernatural beings.Short History: Xerc used to live in a large forest where the sunlight would never get through the leaves of the large trees. Spending his time as guardian of the forest, life was simple. The area was cold, which he loved and it was dark. He felt protected and often lazed around or played with the little animals that wandered around with him. One day, while looking at the clouds outside of the forest from it's barrier, he had fallen asleep to now find himself in a cold basement that was dark. Honestly, it felt just like home, but with less of the nature.Other: He has a sweet tooth. That is all. [/quote] Whoa, you take the cake for scariest character. Bravo, you're accepted. Seriously, that guy reminds me of Alucard's Baskerville....