"Well now that this is over." Rachael said with no particular point int he sentence as she turned to leave. "How about we go pick up some food." Kinzoku chimed in. "Ugh... I don't know. After seeing that my appetite.." Kinzoku scoffed before Rachael could finish her sentence. "You're hungry right man? Maybe up for a few drinks?" The iron dragon asked as he threw his arm around Sayto. "Or maybe you'd be up for a little spar." Kinzoku added with a smirk. ----------------------------------------- Iggy wasn't on top of his game, but he was getting better. Soon he'd be ready to kick some ass. But for now what was important was getting to the town they needed to get too. "Let's just hurry you two. We don't have any time to waste." He was walking forward heading for the town. As he walked though he caught a whiff of something. "I think... There might be more than just the three of us." He said hinting as something as he glanced back at the train. "Maybe it's just my imagination." He then said as he broke off into a run. He expected Torie and Blaze to be right behind. They really needed to hurry in his mind.