[B]Name:[B/] David Gulliver [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] M [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRe32bVutFDc-ksmpS8zwPgK46z3yQ3Fs4BDV1B2b7UHKVWSxQABw[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] David is someone you might describe as 'on-edge', he has quite a twitchy disposition, a slight nervousness about him and a habit of over-reacting, not to mention a bit of a temper. He's an intelligent guy, generally quite good for thinking up out-of-the-box solutions. Dave seems to pick things up naturally enough though he is definitely a pessimist in life, and shows it in his less upbeat moods. [B]History:[/B] Dave Gullivan grew up wanting to become a computer programmer, a cushy life that he enjoyed far away from anything militaristic, when the war started though his father had other plans. A sharp contrast to the intellectual David, his father was a physical, proud sort of man, he signed his son up to Tsukino-Danvers Academy to learn how to pilot an mech and also put him into use some of the test variant D4 MF's so he could be the best he could be. Much to David's dismay. [B]Mechanical Frame:[/B] UEG D4 known as 'Whirlygig'. Several months after Kantaku was retaken, the remains of what appeared to be a four-armed Mechanical Frame were discovered in the ruins of a factory; worried that the Fiefdom had developed a new advancement in MF the UEG did their best to reverse engineer the tech and rolled out a line of their own variants. The resulting D4's off-balance, poor accuracy and difficulty to control meant they saw little success and were not developed further, however some are being offered to new trainees in the hopes that learning the D4 from scratch may yield better results. [B]Appearance:[/B] [hider=Spoiler][IMG]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LabVTXlCvjA/U0TVSx6JpsI/AAAAAAAAJPE/KaeurN-t5UI/s1600/hekaton_color_2.png[/IMG] [/Hider] The D4 has two modes, one where its four arms are connected as two for better accuracy if slower aim, the second where it detaches into four separate arms each used independently. The other unusual feature is that the torso of the Mechanical Frame is able to swivel on top of the legs for quicker reactions. [B]Weaponry:[/B] Whirligig generally uses two bolt rifles, a grenade launcher and a laser rifle, though it's often swapped out with a variety of wieldable guns.