[center] [b] [u] ~Jin~[/center] [/b] [/u] Throughout the guild training-grounds hisses and clans echoed due to collision of metal/steel. Seeking out the source, one would discover two individuals sparring. One possessed clawed gauntlets, while the other adorned in massive full-plate armor. Despite not wielding a weapon, the armored man wasn't phased. Patiently awaiting oncoming strikes, to supply a block with the occasional attempt of counter. Those spectating traded whispers of the man fully armored and known as the Iron-Clad Warrior. This was purely due to his lack of renown. Not only is the Iron-Clad Warrior A newer member of the guild, he has been reclusive and not displayed much of his talents. This has allowed rumors to breed, leading people to believe the Iron-Clad Warrior is weak. “Hiding behind that armor is all you're good for, isn't it?” Scoffed the challenger, who insisted relentlessly on starting the match. To be honest, only after countless accounts of this individual pestering Iron-Clad, did it actually lead to this. Around the time the man taunted Iron-Clad, A barrage of attacks were performed. Simply as before, the Iron-Clad Warrior blocked all oncoming attacks accordingly. Nearing the end of the combo Iron-Clad threw his guarding arms into the air, thus launching the opponent upward. Displaying skill in acrobatics, the challenger merely back-flipped into a smooth landing. “I bet you're nothing with-out that arm-” The challenger attempted an attack during the taunt, however Iron-Clad merely slammed his fist upon the challengers oncoming fist. All in fluent motion, Iron-Clad's arm slammed against the mans extended arm and directed a fist into his face. The speed was questionably swift due to the heavy armor for spectators. Blood erupted from the man's broken nose as he fell backwards onto the ground. Picking up the challenger by the collar of his shirt, several people try to intervene. Before spectators can even act, Iron-Clad tosses the injured man into three people that normally accompanied him. Iron-Clad's voice echoed faintly due to his armor. “[b]Take him to the infirmary. Next time, he should think before trying to get a rise from an enemy who's capabilities are unknown.[/b]” The clank and clatter of shifting armor due to movement, echoed faintly as the Iron-Clad Warrior took his leave. Iron-Clad was headed towards a large yew tree, where he occasionally sat. This massive yew separated the forest and training-grounds. Like many times before today, Iron-Clad walks to the base of the tree and sits. One would figure he is resting due to the recent sparring match. However that wasn't the case, Jin only wished he could feel fatigue again. Raising his arms, Jin allows his palms to rest behind his head, creating a makeshift pillow.