It was darker than the outside of the hall and that was indeed saying something. There seemed to be sound of something straining against something else but Natalie couldn't tell up from down, but still continued forward inching the door a little closed letting the candle light from the hall enter at least doing her best to get used to the extremely poor lighting in here taking hesitant steps trying not to run into anything. Trouble with good intentions is that they usually fly out the window as her hip crashed into something and a clatter of...metal? Reached her ear and she extends her hand to try and 'see' with her hands what it was. A table then. Full of...some sort of tools or something. So if there was a table, there must be a bed. Good reasoning, and maybe the thing trapped was in here. She grabbed something random hoping it could help in setting free whatever was trapped and once more walked hesitantly forward. Should she say anything? Well if it was some sort of beast maybe speaking sweetly will help? "I'm here to help." She says softly, kindly, hoping that she conveyed the truth of her words convincingly enough, for it was true. She meant no harm to the thing trapped as she took another step not knowing where she was going.