Alexandra was freezing and stiff, her awareness floating just between waking and the black abyss of unconsciousness. All she wanted to do was drift back to sleep but there was this nagging feeling, something primal and urgent telling her she needed to get up so that’s what she did. She struggled to open her eyes, the heavy lids fighting to slide closed as she attempted to sit up in bed. No wait, this wasn’t her bed, the ground beneath her numb form was ice cold like cement. Suddenly worried she forced her aqua eyes open and what she saw made alarms go off in her head. The shape-shifter was in what appeared to be a basement, the walls a pale grey that was just a few shades lighter than the cement she had awoken on. There was practically nothing in the room; save for what she recognized as bodies that littered the icy floor. Other than that the room was strangely empty; no boxes, shelves, tools, tarps, absolutely nothing besides the beings littering the floor and a teddy bear. How had she gotten down here? The vague memory of sitting in her living room flashed in her mind only to remember a cloth being forced into her face. She remembers fighting weakly to get the chemical scented rag off her face but her attacker easily fended her attempts of escape off as she melted into silent sleep. Then she woke up in this freezing dungeon with stiff limbs as if she had been sleeping for several days. Maybe she had been seeing as her pale skin almost had a blue tinge to it like the beginning of hypothermia. Trying to pull herself back together Alexandra clambered to her feet, shifting from foot to foot to shake life back into her system before turning her attention to the bodies surrounding her in the slightly small room. Closest to her was a teddy bear lying on its stomach, it seemed a little odd for it to be found down here seeing as it was the only object in the room but something about it gave her the idea it wasn’t all it appeared. The next being she took note in was the young woman not far from the bear, she had short black hair and from what Alex could tell from here she seemed to still be breathing. Several feet to her left there was a young boy with shaggy blonde hair, oddly enough he seemed to be the only one who wasn’t freezing though she couldn’t tell if the bear sized creature closest to the stairs was cold seeing as it was covered in fur. The last person she noticed was a girl with long pink hair, that wasn’t what caught her eye though. It was the fact she had little bumblebee wings on her back that shocked her. She too was breathing faintly though so at least no one was a corpse. “Maybe I should wake them up; someone might know where we are… “Alexandra said softly, her bright eyes shifting to the door as if it would burst open any minute. That didn’t happen but she did notice what seemed to be a note taped to the door. It would have to wait though.