“God damn, we’re heading up there?” Ellie grunts, craning her neck to look up at the massive tower right on the other side of the wall, “How the fuck did a place like that manage to stay standing after the Great War? You’d think a place with as many people as this place was supposed to have would have been a prime target…” she continues, pretty much talking to herself as her and her companion tailed after the big ass robot. "Whats wrong? Scared of heights?" Rebecca quipped. “Heights? Fuck no, I grew up in a building taller than that and in nowhere near as good of shape… I’m just surprised it’s so… Intact… y’know? Working lights… And hell, even the shape of that fucking thing makes it look like you just throw a rock at the middle and the top’s gonna tumble.” "Like a gift from the heavens.. Wish some of the buildings back home looked like this." Rebecca continued. Ellie glances over her and releases a barking laugh, “You should come visit MY home sometime, now THAT’S impressive. Something build by the people of TODAY, not some fucking light display some bastard scavenged from the old world and claimed his own. “Tthere’s the Lucky 38! Home of good ‘ol Mr. House himself! He heard that y’all was askin’ about them mag rails, and thought ya’d be interested in a little business proposition.” The robot replied in the annoying accent. “Yea, we are interested.. Thanks for bringing us here.” Rebecca said before Ellie could even react and looks over at her “So.. ready to see what Mr. Money bags has to offer us? ” “What the fuck kind of job could someone that swanky have for us?” She asks as they pass through the gate, glancing around nervously at the giant robots flanking the street. “For all we know this could be some plot to fuck with our heads before putting some lead in them.” “Ellie” Rebecca interrupted. “I promise that you won’t catch a bullet in your head from this guy. If anything IM going to be the one to put a bullet in you... then I can 'carefully' remove it” “Sorry partner, I can’t go talkin’ about that out here, yer gonna have to take that up with Mr. House and his acquaintances yerself. Ya don’ gotta worry about getting lead in yer noggin though… Although that may be a good idea… seein’ as that last partner that came in here after gettin’ some lead pulled out actually did alotta good.” The robot replied, chuckling, as they approached the flashing stairs leading up to the doors at the base of the tower Ellie glares over at Rebecca as they step up to the doors, “If they start shooting, you get to play meatshield.” She grumbles, “Don’t worry, I’ll put you back together.” She says with a sarcastic smile before the robot cut in. “I’m sorry partners, but if you wouldn’t mind continuin’ yer conversation in the elevator, could’ja head on inside? The party is getting’ ready to start any time now. Mr. House is waitin’ for ya” it said, gesturing towards the door "Like I havn't taken enough bullets already" Rebecca said before heading inside and calling the elevator down "A party huh... I dont like this at all.." She said as the doors open and steps in "Come on butter cup.. Lets go." With a sigh, Ellie stepped in behind her and waited for the doors to close before slipping her rifle off of her shoulder “I don’t like this… how the fuck did that Mr. House guy find out about us?” she grumbles as she presses the butt of it against her shoulder. You could never be too cautious… She’d learned that through plenty of experience… “And why does nobody know anything about this fucker? No matter who I asked, nobody’s seen his face… I guess he never leaves this tower… For all they know he’s just some brain in a jar…” “I dont know.. The whole thing feels wrong. Police robots, that.. cowboy robot. Never leaves this tower.. Whole thing is screaming no to me..” Rebecca replied as the elevator finally came to a stop “Well, if they’re planning something, we’ll be ready…” She grumbles as she lifts the gun and aims it at the door. As the doors slowly slide open… She was expecting some kind of super robot army waiting to unload on them… Not some a bunch of wannabe cowboys, a guy who looks like he had never seen anything technological in his life, -insert the descriptions of the characters who have no appearance posted- And… “What… the fuck is that?” she hisses ot Rebecca as she watches the giant purple… THING go down the stairs into the main room… The Pitt had never had a super mutant problem like the west or D.C. had… “It looks like a fucking trog stuffed with buffout..” she mutters as she steps out, doing a sweep of the room with her rifle. She had no idea what the fuck was going on… Some were drinking… some were fighting… and the one thing that really stood out to her... was how the room reeked of piss...