Rebeca gazed up at the 38. Breath taken away. Of course she had seen taller buildings, but this one, somehow managed to go untouched by the old war. "Whats wrong? Scared of heights?" Listening to the ramblings of her pain in the ass she responded "You would think so..." It took a moment, but she regained her self and looked down at the robot that she didnt like. "Like a gift from the heavens.. Wish some of the buildings back home looked like this." “Heights? Fuck no, I grew up in a building taller than that and in nowhere near as good of shape… I’m just surprised it’s so… Intact… y’know? Working lights… And hell, even the shape of that fucking thing makes it look like you just throw a rock at the middle and the top’s gonna tumble.”Ellie added about the tower. “Yea? How about I give you a rock and lets see what happens?” She could help but chuckle at the mental image of Ellie trying to knock the top off with a rock. Her little day dream was short lived as Ellie commented. “You should come visit MY home sometime, now THAT’S impressive. Something build by the people of TODAY, not some fucking light display some bastard scavenged from the old world and claimed his own.” That comment bugged her abit. For all she knew, Ellie could have been including her in there. Shrugging it off with a shake of the head, she heard the robot starting to talk again. “Tthere’s the Lucky 38! Home of good ‘ol Mr. House himself! He heard that y’all was askin’ about them mag rails, and thought ya’d be interested in a little business proposition.” Her eye twitched for a second. She found the accent of the robot not only annoying, but half brained. As if he wasnt saying words right. “Yea, we are interested.. Thanks for bringing us here.” With a swift blink, she looked to Ellie. “So.. ready to see what Mr. Money bags has to offer us?” She quickly found her self listening to Ellie go off on some kind of rant. “What the fuck kind of job could someone that swanky have for us?” She asks as they pass through the gate, glancing around nervously at the giant robots flanking the street. “For all we know this could be some plot to fuck with our heads before putting some lead in them.” “Ellie” She interrupted. “I promise that you wont catch a bullet in you're head from this guy. If anything IM going to be the one to put a bullet in you... then I can 'carefully' remove it” She laughed, walking up the steps with the robot and Pain. Listening to the robot, one thing really stuck in her mind after everything it had said. “Although that may be a good idea… seein’ as that last partner that came in here after gettin’ some lead pulled out actually did alotta good.” She cringed at the laugh that followed after the tincan said that. It made her wonder what had happened before, and what kind of 'good' was done. Rolling her eyes, she nodded to the robot that told them to head inside. "Like I havn't taken enough bullets already" Heading inside, and stright for the elevator, Rebecca called it down. She stood infront of the doors and looked to Ellie. "A party huh... I dont like this at all.." The doors of the elevator dinged open and she stepped inside, "Come on butter cup.. Lets go." Once inside the elevator, the doors shut and she watched Ellie slide her rifle off her shoulder. “I don’t like this… how the fuck did that Mr. House guy find out about us?” She shrugged at Ellie's words and pulled her pistol out. Holding it at her side, the steel box started gliding up the tower. “And why does nobody know anything about this fucker? No matter who I asked, nobody’s seen his face… I guess he never leaves this tower… For all they know he’s just some brain in a jar…” Another good qustion from Ellie. Pulling the hammer back on her pistol, she sighed. “I dont know.. The whole thing feels wrong. Police robots, that.. cowboy robot. Never leaves this tower.. Whole thing is screaming no to me..” The elevator came to a gental stop, and the steel doors slid open. With a chuckle, her grip on the handgun tightened. The doors opened up, and she expected the worst. Raiders, robots, slavers. Anything except what she saw. Just people, hanging around. About to let her guard down. She heard Ellie hissing. “What… the fuck is that?” She heard rom Ellie. Looking in that direction, she saw a massive purple body moving down the stairs. She blinked a few times and walked out of the elevator, gun still drawn. She followed the thing with her eyes and after a few moments, took a step back. "I dont even... Looked more like a shrimp.." she mumbles, knowing Ellie wouldnt know what she was talking about.Now she just stood in the main room, looking around like an idiot, wondering who the people around her where. "What smells like piss?" Taking a few sniffs of the room she blurted out "What smells like piss!?"