Cold. That was the first thing that came to mind when Xerc's body and senses responded. It was a comfertable temperature for him, but it would probably fade to a warmer feeling in time. He would need to move, something that he felt too lazy to do. But a large, overhanging feeling in the back of his head told him to wake up, so he did. Slowly opening all eight of his eyes, the familiar flicks and blurs of his fur soothed him. He pawed at his face, a method that refreshes him for days that seem a bit grim. He looked at him surroundings. He was inside a basement that was quite cold and dark, but that wasn't the worst part. Before, he was in a lush forest. Now, inside quite a plain basement. There were other beings with him, and he seemed to be close to the stairs. He didn't stretch, for the idea of nudging someone or hitting a wall wasn't at all nice. He then noticed the teddy bear on the floor and tilted his head. He was interrupted from his thought by a boy who indeed wasn't normal, him forming fire just then that surrounded his fists. This didn't bother him, but the noise of this was quite loud. The floor also did repair itself after being hit, another thing to take note of. Xerc slowly sat up, afraid to hit the ceiling, so just in case, he lowered his head. Looking at the door, there was a small note attatched to it. After reading it, he lowly growled at the note, then looked at the others in the room. "This is going to be a handful..." he quietly said to himself.