[center]Atalee Vayshalum Mustering Hall ---[/center] An Elf made his entrance. He wore a tunic with silk pants and wore a backpack with the most random assortment of items, everything from cooking supplies to musical instruments. Atalee paused and stared at him with a bewildered look, wondering who or what he might be, and most importantly, what exactly he was doing here. She thought that he looked like some interesting combination of a chef and a musician. He brought with him all the necessary supplies to fill both roles, and he dressed like he belonged in a court. After several moments of deep contemplation, she finally realized. In many cultures, it was customary to host feasts in honor of great heroes. Perhaps Dain Lionbeard sought to commemorate their arrival with a feast! Thus, this must have been the man who served them, cooking both their food and providing them with entertainment for the night! Of course! The entertainment had arrived! Atalee had no idea why he didn't bring any food with him, though, she figured that maybe he planned to prepare it in front of them, like part of some elaborate dinnertime show. Atalee had never attended a feast before, never mind one thrown in her honor! Her perplexed stare changed to one of excitement, the same delightful glow that one might see on a little girl’s face when she found out that her parents actually [i]were[/i] getting her a pony. It didn't help that he didn't actually [i]say[/i] he was a fellow adventurer, instead deciding to compliment [i]them[/i]. The Templar sought to engage the Elf in conversation, possibly asking him what he was planning on making or what he would be playing for them this night, but then the Orc burst into laughter, chuckling loudly and disrupting her train of thought. Her attention turned to him, and, at that moment, she realized something she hadn’t before. His pale complexion, his enormous size, compounded with his almost hoggish laugh, that was no Orc! That was a pig! A pig that walked on two likes like a man and wore the coat of a bear! Atalee knew that he wasn't [i]actually[/i] a pig, or at least, she found it reasonable to assume that it wasn't. Nevertheless, she thought the comparison to be humorous and couldn't help but chuckle quietly to herself. She would have said it aloud, but she thought that such a comparison might offend him. In and of itself, that wasn't something she wanted to do, but she also recalled that Orcs were rather tribal, many of them violent warmongers, and inciting one was the last thing she'd want to do, especially since the entertainment had finally arrived… He didn’t seem all that bad, though. At least he introduced himself. “Ulgahk?” She spoke for the first time, her accent thick and distinct. “The Lonely Blade, you mean, [i]The[/i] Lonely Blade?” Not just in the presence of a master bard-chef hybrid but also a famous adventurer! “I have never heard of you.” Atalee confessed.