Cold. It was so cold. Freezing even. Enough to chill her bones. Without thinking, Sasha shuddered in her forced sleep, trying to find some kind of warmth. Why was it so cold? The forests weren't usually like this until late in the winter. Even still....and why did her head pound over and over again? As if it hurt to even think? Groaning, Sasha committed herself to the painful task of opening her eyes. Only to wish she could go back to sleep. This wasn't the forest. Far from it actually. The smells were too potent, too strong, with an unnatural tang about them. Nothing like the comforting fragrances of the dirt and earth. It looked like some creepy old cellar that usually led to either kidnappings or exorcisms. Last time she checked, she didn't have any demons roaming around inside her. Aside from the usual ones of course. Sitting up to scan the area with groggy eyes, she made a mental note of more life forms. Others who had apparently shared her fate in this mass kidnapping. Because at this point, it had to be a kidnapping. What else could it be? Though honestly, she didn't really see the use of dragging her along for the ride. It wasn't like she had anything noteworthy to show off around here. " did I...?" And then she remembered. The very thought of it made her growl in anger as she clawed at the cement ground in instinct. They cornered her. She was under the impression that they were just some amateur hunters who needed help until they suddenly shoved a sweet smelling rag in her face. Took a whole bunch of them before they finally resorted to the tranquilizer. Standup up, Sasha felt the small mark on her neck and winced. They weren't messing around, that was for sure. Shaking her head and muttering curses, she finally got a good long look of her fellow captives. [i]" let me get this straight. We've got a stuffed animal, a pretty boy, some girl with cotton candy hair, a bigger animal than me....and someone that reeks."[/i] Sniffing at the air, Sasha turned to the only other person who was awake and crouched down on all fours. In a single leap she was right beside her, sniffing her up and down. "This's strong and're not human, are you?" She wrinkled her nose before standing up and stretching out. "I take it someone has a weird fetish going around? Name's Sasha Walker." The dark haired girl extended out a hand in greeting. "And you are?" That's when she noticed the note to the side. That was also when pretty boy began lighting the whole place on fire. Tensing, Sasha snarled as she hid behind the girl on all fours, peering out with a glare. "Hey watch it buddy! Before you cook us all alive!" No sooner did she speak the threat out did she hear a low and rumbling voice. [i]"This is going to be a handful..."[/i] The wolf...bear....predator thing had awoken as well. Widening her eyes, Sasha stared at the shadowy beast in wonder. "H-Holy shit! You can talk?"