List of NPCs: [hider=Lee Da Jun]Name: Lee Da Jun Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance/Description: Lee Da Jun keeps his trimmings immaculate with his hair shaved down to just over a centimetre, his facial hair non-existent and his nails cut and filed. Being a Chinese, he sports black hair and brown eyes. Many would comment that he looked very much the part of an officer, having aristocratic looks with his small chin, high cheeks, sharp and small eyes. Having been born in an age with China on the rise, he had grown with his country, becoming taller than his forefathers at 1.85m. Despite his military training and numerous engagements along the borders, he had somehow managed to keep a relatively fair complexion, which he'd put down to genetics. Being a Captain of the People's Liberation Army in an age in which China retakes her place as the Middle kingdom, he would often come dressed in his ceremonial uniform unless expected to mobilise at any time, in which case he'd be in red, white, gold and silver with a highly intricate officer's Jian (which replaced the more western sabre recently). Personality: Lee Da Jun is highly patriotic and reflective of his country's attitude and politics. As China is doing extremely well, having taken over the status of World Superpower, he'd keep a tight rein on power in his own squad, unless outranked and replaced as squad leader. He is unafraid to boast of his country's position, and can be quite arrogant. Unfortunately, he has also become racist towards europeans and Americans as of late, seeing them as enemies of the state and depraved losers who had destroyed the world and their own country... even when there are no wars between the east and the west (yet). Being a perfectionist with his every success seen as tribute to his people and the party, he demands the very best from those under his charge, but will not question the actions and authority of those above him as it is expected of him since birth. As such, he will do whatever it takes to meet the objectives given to him. Biography: Lee Da Jun was born in Beijing to a construction worker father a receptionist mother, a single son as required by the party. His parents were unflinchingly loyal to the nation, and so they imparted their ideals to their son. However, when his mother cheated on his father and was with their second child- Da Jun's half-sister, the family did not hesitate to report on her and the father filed for a divorce (That was when Da Jun was 10). While the authorities were relatively lenient and the father eventually going back on his intentions to divorce, the family fell apart even if there was no divorce. Da Jun eventually joined the PLA when he was eighteen, going on to distinguish himself quickly as he excelled in whatever training he was given and had shown his loyalty time and time again. He was deployed in numerous border skirmishes and to assist in border patrols, and did well, climbing the ranks, quickly becoming sergeant and staff sergeant before being selected to become an officer by age 26. Upon graduation, he was Captain by age 28, but had not been promoted since. His successes had attracted displeasure from some of his peers and he had made enemies. When his sister joined the PLA recently, word quickly spread. Da Jun had been estranged from his sister since then, as he believed that she was partly to blame for the sudden halt in his career and service to the nation, casting aside his sympathies for her (which he freely gave anyway as he wasn't that heartless in his youth) and refusing to even acknowledge her during the days of Lunar New Year. This is despite his sister joining the army for him, and doing well enough on her own, being due to become a sergeant in her three short years of military service. Service Record: Upon the completion of his training as an infantry soldier with the PLC, he was immediately shipped to the distance province of Xinjiang to assist the local law enforcement and military authorities against Uyghur seperatists. He was consistently involved in every type of operations possible, from simple patrol duties (some of which became skirmishes) to raids and counter-terrorist operations. Quick to volunteer himself when others would back away, he rose through the ranks quickly, becoming Sergeant by the time he was 21 and Staff Sergeant by 22. As he was recognised as a modern hero of sorts, an unflinchingly loyal servant of the Middle Kingdom, Da Jun was deployed in places other than Xinjiang wherever there was a need for a person of his skills. He became Sergeant First Class by 23 as he was assisting in border patrols and the Spratly Island Conflicts and eventually one of the youngest Sergeant Major at 26 while he was on peacekeeping operations with the UN. Within the same year at the age of 26, he was taken out of the UN and back home, but first in an officer's academy before graduating as an officer with a lofty rank of Second Lieutenant. He was promptly returned to Xinjiang when the Uyghur insurgencies there still refused to die down. As an officer with many friends and colleagues who knew him, he was able to take the reins of operations which he formerly served in simpler tasks, leading to the death or arrests of hundreds of terrorists, becoming a First Lieutenant by 27 and Captain by 28, which saw him taking larger and larger responsibilities - first leading squads into operations before overseeing entire operations in practice. Then things began to flatline for Da Jun, coinciding with his sister following in his footsteps. A promotion was due for him in 2017 to Major as well as an equally important appointment, but it was retracted and followed by his reassignment to a counter-terrorism training institute, which, compared to his fast-tracked climb up the ranks was largely a dead-end appointment. Which was when a pair of high-ranking officers and a letter came into his office, asking for volunteers for the UNXIPU. Starved for change, he took it without knowing much about the details. Skills: Lee Da Jun is trained as an infantryman, which means basic disciplines such as force-marching, basic and parade commands, survival be it in a jungle or urban battlefield, basic marksmanship, radio discipline and protocol, etc. While he may not have achieved perfect marksmanship, he is highly adept in unarmed combat, swordsmanship and close-quarters modern warfare. Due to his long experience with counter-terrorism, he knows how to deal with insurgency, be they plain-clothed or fighting conventionally. Off the battlefield, he is quite handy in interrogations and prisoner management. With his promotion as an officer, he became quite familiar with strategic planning, logistics management and the organisation of operations. Quite unfortunately, he is also (reluctantly) a certified military instructor. Weapons: Lee Da Jun was shipped to UNXIPU with the 5.8x42mm QBZ-95-1 (with flashlight attachment) as his main weapon and a silenced 5.8x21mm QSW-06 with an LAD attachment as his side weapon. He carries 2 smoke grenades and 2 flashbangs but no HE grenades as it was understood that he will be doing mainly patrol and guard duties, albeit in certain hotzones. In recent years, the PLA has been issuing swords to its NCOs and commissioned officers. Lee Da Jun has an officer's field Jian in addition to the ceremonial version - the difference being that the field Jian has a dark grey blade and camouflaged handle and guard for field use. Its sheathe was similarly camouflaged, and has a built in compartment around the top to house a maintenance kit for cleaning and sharpening the blade. Equipment: Other than some high quality protective gear and helmet, Lee Da Jun was outfitted with the latest of PLA technology, including an integrated computer system for him to communicate with team-mates, scour the battlefield on a GPS and send messages to anyone with similar systems. Additionally, he has a pair of nightvision goggles mounted on his helmet, if his flares weren't enough.[/hider] [hider=Bertram Bradford]Name: Bertram Bradford Age: 35 Gender: Male Appearance/Description: [img=] Personality: Officer Bradford is highly professional on the job, partly due to his past, which lead him to care a lot about the troops put under his care, perhaps sometimes a bit too much to the point of obsession. It was only by virtue of his previous successful psychiatric consultations and his own coming to terms with his past that he was able to step back a little. Biography/Service Record: Born in 1985, Bertram enjoyed a middle-class lifestyle with a father who works as an executive for an oil company and a stay-home mom. Due to the frequent absence of his dad, Bertram learnt little from him beyond some lessons from work and business. Overall, he was a lazy and selfish kid in his youth, attaining mediocre to average grades and frequently found gallivanting in malls and entertainment venues. While he'd made a lot of friends, he was also alienating and bullying others. After failing to enter any universities, Bertram joined the British Armed Forces the moment he left secondary school in 2001. While he showed little promise in basic military training and once he was given his first posting in an artillery unit, he did what he did best: making friends and alienating others. It was just unfortunate that most of his friends tend to be his fellow privates while his enemies tend to be the NCOs and COs. As a result of his tactless behavior coupled with his (general) lack of regard for his job, his military career was at a standstill right from the beginning. For the first three years of his life, he remained a Private and was transferred from unit to unit as no CO in his right mind would want the military delinquent. Artillery, Infantry, Armour, Light... He'd been through all of them, but had learnt little even if he had seen alot. He was only promoted to Lance Corporal following a recommendation by a particularly patient NCO. That same NCO recommended Lance Corporal Bertram Bradford for service in Afghanistan, and so in the same year he was Lance Corporal, he joined the war in 2005. Needless to say, the experience woke him up. Especially when he was partly responsible for the death of his buddy. Beyond that, he learnt a little more about making friends and avoiding confrontations, as it got through to his then thick skull that it wouldn't be a good idea to peeve the very same people who was in charge of his life. It was as if the experience had woken up the potential that was in him all along. Motivated by the traumatic loss of his close friend (who had followed him from his previous unit), and a few others, he would obsess over everything, be it his kit, his weapon, his gear, all in the name of preventing another death. By 2006, he was Corporal and involved in the Iraq War, bouncing between the two middle-eastern theatres of war, not because of his incompetence this time but because of his vastly increased performance resulting from what was almost an OCD. His OCD, which was almost short of a clinical diagnosis, reached a peak when he would barge into his officers' tent and try to contribute ideas to the arrangements of the operations involving his squad. While he was forcibly removed sometimes, there were some who saw a commander in him due to his meticulousness, care for his fellow men and immaculate battlefield habits. He was shipped off to officer's academy in 2007 and returned to the Middle-East a 2nd Lieutenant in 2008. In the years that followed he had become one of the most effective commanders in the British forces of the middle-east before finally retiring back to a less stressful duty as a logistics commander on recommendation by a board of medical officers back home. Before joining UNXIPU, his last action-filled role was 3 years in Northern Ireland fighting against a fledging resurgence of an unpopular movement against a British Northern Ireland, which saw his promotion from Major to Lieutenant Colonel as he was instrumental in cornering and destroying the largest terrorist cells there, leading to their disbandment. Weapons: While he was not expected to enter the frontlines, he was shipped into UNXIPU's headquarters with an L131A1 (Glock) Pistol and a fully and heavily modified L85A2 just in case he needed to defend himself. Equipment: His role as a Central Officer leaves him with little in the way of protective and tactical gear. He was brought in with a ballistic vest, which he would not even wear unless the base is expected to be attacked, which was deemed highly unlikely if not impossible.[/hider] List of Accepted Characters: [url=]Lance Corporal Carrie Elizabeth Campbell[/url] (Pete) [url=]Xia Shi Jiang Shaozu[/url] (Lennon79) [url=]Senior Airman Eric Ruven[/url] (Stefan0620) [url=]Specialist Dean Spear[/url] (Marik) [url=]1st Lieutenant James Kim[/url] (Heyitsjiwon) [url=]Jonathan Bishop[/url] (Scribbles) [url=]Sergeant David Korus[/url] (RPCWhite) [url=]Private First Class Maria Salcedo[/url] (Rlengo) [url=]Sowi Lee Hyun-Seong[/url] (Proser)