[hider=1st Swarm] [b][i]Army Name [/i]1st Swarm[/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Hive Queen [b]Location:[/b] Ukraine [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - /// - /<10,000>// - /<5,000>// - /<150>// - /<500>// - /<8,000>//<1,500>//// - /<200>// [/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Launching an alpha strike upon the leadership of the Byzantine army with the goal of killing the leader in a lightning descent from above. The entire force will strike from the skies above with the willingness to take full losses and a singleminded determination to kill the Byzantine leader. [/hider] I am. I see. I live. I have purpose. This world hates purpose. I have already seen enough to know. Waves of purposeless shells driven by individual minds motivated by self interest roam this world. They are feeble in my eyes when compared to opponents of ancient times. But then I was not alone, the life songs were echoed by thousands of my kind and now I alone remain. But I live and I have purpose still. I spin through countless teeming bodies as my will instructs and purpose flows. I see through countless eyes as the work continues and the great clusters rise, towers that dwarf the buildings of purposeless ones.I feel pleasure at the progress but I feel fear that it might not be enough. Eyes go dark as they give me warnings in death. The purposeless shells are massing and I must endure. All pieces return. Nearly all. I have learned from the past. Though the shells have no purpose there are those who pretend among them. There is nothing like me among their shells but some have importance and are leaders. The word is strange even within my own thoughts and I struggle with the concept as I always have. What could possess these individualistic purposeless shells to unify. It has always seemed a contradiction. I shall break their false purpose.