[quote=Jangel13] Angelo sighed softly "alright, alright. im just saying that we all find our ways to relax mine just happens to be either in a high place or relaxing with a cool drink. believe me I would rather talk to the Vulcans if we could but although they are intelligent that doesn't mean we should let our guard down should they be able to talk with us. so for now lets go ahead and go to Hargeon town to their pier and see about acquiring a ship for the trip. you know the request form actually says that he's stubborn, and you know its serious when the request actually says so." Angelo said as he walked forward leading the way towards Hargeon town to find their boat. Angelo sensed that they wouldn't see eye to eye on some things but that didn't mean that they couldn't find some common ground and build a relationship their so Angelo wanted to know the most basic question that everyone is asked when joining a guild so his voice changed into something more serious but soft hearted "so let me ask you Wes, why did you join phoenix wing? money? fame?" Angelo asked since those were the most obvious choices for most [/quote] "Well stubbornness can only go so far, but to think his is they strong is something. Also I'm just trying to point out other ways to find a solution to this job, I already know how dangerous a vulcan can be and from the request it say vulcansss, so we obviously be on our guards, it's just that exterminating doesn't seem like it's the only solution to this kind of problem. Every living in this world deserves a chance to either change or improve with what life sends to them." Wes went silent for a few seconds as he thought about the last sentence he said. "Anyways, why I joined the guild question. The best way I can probably say it is that I stumbled along and found it during my travels. It was the first guild I actually came across and from what I learned of it, I could find jobs easier and continue travel slash move to different places, and have my frequent detours too, all with my own time frame. So to sum it up, I joined the guild because I'm a man who's always used to being on the move and not in one place all the time, the money is just something that helped finance my travels. How about you? without any choices or guesses, why did you join the guild?" As the faint sound of a train started to approach Wes quickly added. "Also, unless you like walking like me, we should also hurry or we could miss the train to Hargeon."