[img=http://i.imgur.com/AsuqdrGl.jpg] Pilot:Jacob Norton Gender: Male Age: 19 Special: Born in an average middle Class Family, through his youth Norton was plagued by nightmares of a Dark Man. In the dream he was a Civil War era Union officer lighting a Cigar in front of an unassuming Southern gentleman, as the cigar began to light the man’s face distorted into a demonic smile and he was utterly helpless as the other man would began to skin him alive. Becoming fascinated with Heroic Alien machines called Autobots he clung to them in hopes of warding away the Dark man and it seemed to succeed. But it was to no avail, as he grew into a teenager the Dark Man came back more powerful than before and began actively sabotaging Jacobs’s life; the Dark Man sabotaged his grades injured his friends and even those he hoped to love. The Dark Man’s actions often made Jacob feel depressed and suicidal to the point he had to be taken away to get psychological help as no one believed his claims of the Dark Man being related to the Occult. As he grew into a man Jacob tried putting the Dark Mans actions behind him and assumed a new name and a new life. He became a News reporter and tried his hardest standing up to the corruption and crime in his city Philadelphia. After the events of the slam however his entire life was turned upside-down, Crime had increased to biblical levels, random unexplained chaotic occurrences were happening and multiple conspiracies were taking place. The entire world was falling apart, and Jacob struggled to keep it together. But he knew nothing about what he could do alone. He had ran afoul of the enigmatic dull faced arms dealer known only as Lazarus after blowing the whistle on several of his buyers and suppliers. Seeking to end Jacobs inquiry he sent several of his thugs to destroy his house along with all traces of incriminating evidence . Barely surviving Jacob ended up in a high intensity burn ward, gripping to life a mysterious doctor entered the facility and injected him with an unknown drug As he awoke in the faculty he quickly escaped from the ward after discovering the drug had not only regenerated his body but it gave him power beyond his wildest imagination. The ability to cloud the minds of others, telekinesis even the power to phase through objects with enough concentration. After making his escape he encountered his savior, the escaped Concurrence researcher Professor B.Homer. Homer warned Jacob of the mad ambitions of the Concurrence, but Jacob was more concerned with his burning desire to exact revenge on Lazarus. Homer convinced Jacob the Concurrence had uncovered the Ultimate tool to help him reach his goal, the Ex-Wel. Homer gave Jacob the location of the base and revealed the Concurrence's connection to Lazarus as one of his many partners. Seeking to hide his injuries and his identity Jacob donned a scarf and a Slouch Hat, as he still remembered portions of his dreams of the Union Soldier and took off into the night [img]http://i.imgur.com/iBaAX6m.jpg[/img] Name: Ex-Wel Type: Mystical Prehistoric Mech Height: 35 meters Mass: 50 tons Stats: Strength: 43 Armor: 20 Firepower: 60 Performance: 45 Mobility: 50 Energy Output: 30 Sensors: 33 An ancient weapon of vague origins the Concurrence tested the device and discovered it ran off powerful Magitech. Greedy for more power the Concurrence combined it with a prototype Quintesson artifact said to be one of many of the devices the three faced tyrants made to control Vector Sigma. It is able to turn it's rifle into a sword and switch between modes [img]http://i.imgur.com/D4e6x1n.jpg[/img] the first and second second modes My next OC's Bio for Post slam