Jason was too busy imagining what the mines would be like, so the next thing he noticed was someone speak his name. He saw Hera looking at a new player, who had a two-handed sword as a weapon, and was a bit taller than Jason's character himself, and two others, seemingly rangers. He had no idea how these other guys got there, maybe they were Hera's friends. [b]"Uuuh... Yeah, I'm Jason, and this is Blitz, the Griff"[/b] Jason said nodding towards the small creature at his right. The first thing Jason thought was that they didn't have any Swordmasters, the bigger guy definitely was a Swordmaster, nor rangers in their team. He wasn't sure about having two people of the same class though, specially when they were the same race as well, judging by their looks. He wanted to talk to Hera, to see what she thought of it, but he didn't want to discuss the topic in front of the other strangers.