Will edit this post with a CS tonight. [hider=Jiang Shaozu][centre] [u]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 1 - Personal Particulars A[/u] [u]First Name/Given Name[/u] Shaozu [u]Surname/Family Name/Last Name[/u] Jiang [u]Age[/u] 26 [u]Birthdate[/u] 19/03/1994 [u]Gender[/u] Male [u]Sexual Orientation[/u] Heterosexual [u]Blood-Type[/u] B [u]Race[/u] Han Chinese [u]Height[/u] 5"9" [u]Weight[/u] 89kg [u]Appearance/Description[/u] [img=http://english.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2009/10/13/66b651ed40b343c1ac1b5d372618f9e7.jpg] --- [u]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 2 - Personal Particulars B[/u] [u]Nationality[/u] Chinese [u]City/Town/Village of Origin[/u] Dongfang, Hainan Island [u]Educational Background[/u] No Further or Higher level education [u]Political Background[/u] Registered member of the Communist Party of China [u]Interests/Hobbies[/u] Sea fishing Mountain climbing Denouncing capitalism [u]Personality[/u] Shaozu is a walking contradiction. While he is a most ardent believer in the tenants of communism and has a fierce love for his country, he is also deeply cynical and doesn't really believe that humanity is capable achieving the utopia promised by Maoism. Being both a cynic and an idealist isn't easy on him and the internal conflict takes its toll; Shaozu is a heavy smoker and drinker, and is possessed of a dark, sarcastic sense of humour. He takes his work damn seriously and will obsess over the small details until everything is 100% in line with the orders he is given. [u]Biography[/u] Jiang Shaozu is a fairly ordinary young Chinese man, both fanatically loyal to his country and deeply suspicious of those who run it. His early life is nothing much to speak of; he grew up as a fisherman's mate and enlisted in the People's Armed Police as soon as he was able. During the course of his service, Shaozu earned a reputation for being thorough and officious, almost to the point of pigheadedness. As the only officer in the department with the thick skin required to do the job, he spent years as a Traffic Warden, where he was notorious for his merciless parking tickets. It took years and thousands of disgruntled drivers for him to be promoted off the streets, finally landing a job in Armed Response; ironically the least busy and therefore laziest section of the force. Sufficed to say, Shaozu's officiousness earned him no friends and when the Department saw an opportunity to ship him off someplace far away, they jumped at it. Jiang Shaozu's transfer to UNXIPU cut through Beijing's wall of red tape suspiciously fast and before he even knew what the organisation did, he found himself on a plane to Africa. --- [u]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 3 - Service Record[/u] [u]Previous Service Affiliation/s[/u] People's Armed Police [u]Previous Unit/s[/u] Hainan Island Department [u]Current Vocation/Specialisation[/u] Armed Response Officer [u]Previous Vocation/s/Specialisation/s[/u] Patrol Officer Traffic Warden [u]Formal Training & Skills Attained[/u] People's Armed Police Basic and Advanced Guardsman Course (equivalent to regular infantry training of conventional military forces) PAP Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Military Policing Course (equivalent to training received by the Military Police of conventional military forces) PAP Basic Small Arms Marksmanship and Field Craft PAP Basic and Advanced Light Armoured Vehicle Course (knowledge of the operation and field maintenance of Light Armoured Vehicles, including jeeps, trucks and the ZBD-09 IFV) [u]Informally Recognised Skills Attained:[/u] Bushcraft Urban survival (aka scrounging food and shelter in urban areas) Understanding of basic vehicle mechanics/electrics (aka hot-wiring cars) [u]Current Native Rank[/u] Xia Shi / Corporal [u]Previous Native Rank/s[/u] Shang Deng Bing / Private First Class [u]Years of Security/Police/Military Service[/u] 7 [u]History of Active Combat Deployments[/u] None [u]Awards/Medals/Certificates/Citations Achieved[/u] 1x [i]Most Prestigious Certificate for Gallantry in the Service of the People's Armed Police[/i], awarded for breaking the Hainan Island Department's record on the number of parking tickets issued in one day --- [u]UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 4 - Packing List[/u] [u]Uniforms/Clothing Manifest[/u] 1x [url=http://postimg1.mop.com/200701/01/51/1388451/20070101150553265.jpg]People's Armed Police dress uniform[/url] Various civilian clothes [u]Protective Gear Manifest[/u] 1x Little Red Book, kept in a breast pocket in the hopes that the Great Helmsman will protect one's heart from enemy fire [u]Field Equipment Manifest[/u] [url=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRo3lHfQaotyUyJVleYTHjOqY4DO98DMtl1jvNTsyONaoHj7iVI]Basic PAP-issue webbing and field gear[/url] [u]Weapons/Ammunitions Manifest[/u] 1x [url=http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/800px_qbz_95b-tfb.jpg]QBZ-95B Carbine[/url] A large supply of 5.8×42mm DBP87 rounds [/centre][/hider]