Inspecting the building once over gave Ilario some comfort, even if he didn't have time to go over every nook and cranny. Of all the fittings mentioned by Hawk's note, Ilario found nothing to be absent, apart from a slightly lower vial of venom than he was expecting in the lab. Eavesdropping on Solomon's mobile arsenal solved that mystery. There were also a few features that Ilario discovered for himself, though he was unsure whether he should have felt surprised at their existence: A reinforced door near the alchemy lab that reminded Ilario of a ship's magazine room; metal-lined, dry as a bone, full of explosive susbstances. A two-way mirror in the bar's backroom with a vent for sound to travel through -a fantastic tool for snooping-. A ring that opened a trap door in an unassuming closet, one that Ilario supposed was a secret hiding place, entrance, or exit, but couldn't follow for the darkness. At least he didn't discern any tricks in the bedrooms that he had the time to inspect. Ilario was sure that there were many other surprises to be discovered had he the time or the inclination, but if he were to be at his best tomorrow, he could lose absolutely no more sleep tonight. He bid the remaining team members in the main room a cordial goodnight before making his way to the vacant room at the end, that shared only one wall with another bedroom.