"Fella in de glasses decided t'rownin' g'nades'd be fuckin' hilarious. Den our Nigh'kin friend got up here...s'prised the po' kid. Jus' how many folk'd Tenpenny hire fo' dis job, eh?" What the fuck is it with this place? Can ANYBODY fucking speak without sounding like they're Jet cookers with a mouthful of ingredients? It took a moment for Ellie to be able to understand what the fuck that guy had said... something about throwing grenades... a "Nie-kin..." whatever the fuck that was.... And some fuck named Tenpenny... "Hey! What the hell're you talking 'bout? Must be the mutant that's showin' off that smell, but it sure as hell ain't me!" Yelled the guy that was apparently the accused as to the piss smell. "Can it piss pants, do you really wanna piss off that.." she glances over at the purple creature again, still more than a bit nervous about it, "... thing... It looks like it'd tear your arms off and beat you to death with them. SHe said before turning back to the guy who sounded like he was chewing on brahmin shit. "Who the hell is Tenpenny? We were grabbed by one of those ugly-ass bots and sent up here for some big wig named 'House'." She says, scanning the room, the butt of her rifle still on her shoulder, but the barrel aimed at the ground as she looks over the man who had addressed her. "Which one of you is that?"