And since I'm sitting at work not doing much of anything, I figure I can start explaining how the first bit of this RP is going to go down. Alright, so the way this is going to work at first is very structured. I want to give everyone a chance to post and get used to their own dynamic before we make landfall. To do this, everyone will be given a chance to make one post before the ship docks at the barebones colony that has been setup along the western coast of Ialdia, at the mouth of a river they have named the Brinetooth. I will make a first post from the perspective of a few different important characters that will be accompanying you into the colony. These will be important characters like Mining directors, expedition leads, and the like. Take note of these individuals, if you ever intend to interact with them, I will be the one voicing them. This allows me the opportunity to interact with the players without having any specific character, and therefore direct certain events. I will be marking each large event with a title, like so: [u][b]MAKING LANDFALL (1)[/b][/u] I will then fill this area with my post from different perspectives. ------- The number after the title is the amount of posts each player will get during that segment. After I have made my post, each of you is free to post whenever you see fit. If you intend to interact with either your partner or another character, it is best to let them know in advance you wish to speak with them, and then work out a collab post, so that you can have a conversation in one post rather than exchange 1 bit of dialogue and have an extremely prolonged conversation over like 10 posts. There's a perfect site for collabs but I can't seem to remember what it's called, I'll ask my roommate once he gets up and then I'll post the site name here. If anyone is unfamiliar with collab posts, they are simply posts between 2 or more players that are squished into one post. These allow for entire conversations or events to play out in one bigger post instead of in a dozen fragmented posts. This is much nicer and easier to follow than the traditional method, and is [u]much[/u] preferred here. So, each of you will get one post during the "making landfall" segment. Once a segment has concluded, I will post again from varying perspectives under the title of the next segment. In this case, the next segment is called "colonization", and each player will be given 5 posts in this segment to do whatever they see fit with whomever. Exploration during this segment will be rather limited. Segments will continue in this fashion until the RP is completed. If you have any questions about the structure just let me know. ------ EDIT: Appearently I've hit the character limit in the OP.. Which is around 66,000 characters, in case you were curious... So i''ll post them all in a single post here on page ten once I have collected them all. EDIT #2: The collab site I mentioned is [url=][/url]. Once you create an account there, you can invite others to your personal pad via an invite button that give you a unique link to send them. Once they have the link, you can work together on your post. There is a built in IM screen to the right so so can discuss it together.