Her pistol was slid back into its holster as she listened to one man explain the piss smell. Glancing over she looked at the rather young looking NCR trooper that was suppose to be the reason behind the smell. Pulling the hood off her head, she couldn't stop a grin from showing as Sabin passed the blame of the smell onto that strange mutant that had run off. "Well.. when you gotta go.. you gotta go right?" She said with a shrug. Walking away from the elevator, leaving Ellie to do her own thing for a while, she walked up to Sabin, still holding that same grin. "What's you're name?"She asked him, giving his outfit a quick one over. "...It looks like it'd tear your arms off and beat you to death with them..." She nodded to her self as Ellie said that behind her. "If only I could be so lucky.." She mumbled, glancing over in the last direction she saw the mutant go. "Never seen anything like that before.. Are there a lot of them around here?" She asked anyone that might have been listening. It wasn't the biggest mutant she had ever seen before, but this so called Nie-kin was the first one of its kind that she had seen on her travels. Ellie still seemed to be on guard with her weapon drawn. "Yea... we came to see a Mr. House.." Glancing back at the NCR boy she smiled. "You have any idea which one of these people are Mr. House? Creepy cowboy robot grabbed us and sent us up here, saying MR. House wanted to see us... Know anything about him?" Yes she asked the boy a lot of questions, but she figured if a soldier didn't know, then it wasn't likely that some washed up cowboy that had a hard time pronouncing words would know who she was looking for.